Don’t Miss These Posts On Ted McGrath…
1. 15 Effective Public Speaking Tips to Boost Your Confidence
Not everyone is born a great speaker — in fact, the majority of individuals need public speaking tips to overcome stage jitters. I enjoy giving talks and speaking on stages, but that doesn’t mean I don’t get nervous. Aside from practicing, I’ve picked up several habits to keep my nerves at bay… Click to read more
2. 8 Body Language Tips for Presentations
If you want to improve your communication skills, let me share with you eight body language tips for presentations. These eight points explain the right ways to use body language signals. You can apply them whether you’re talking to a standing-room-only crowd or to an intimate crowd. Through these, you’ll learn how to command presence and authority. You can match your words with your actions, and be persuasive and believable. Best of all, you’ll give your confidence a boost! Click to read more
3. Marketing Mix | How To Diversify Your Marketing To Reach Millions
I’m here to define marketing mix and explain how you can create the bridge between the two. For those who dream of a lifestyle-friendly business and complete financial and personal freedom, creating a marketing mix is the best way to get clients. It allows you to maximize the benefits of the best things both worlds can offer. These include attracting high-quality clients and building different sales funnels for your business… Click to read more
4. What Is Marketing Funnel Automation? (Spoiler: It’s Customers On Autopilot!)
I’ll say it up front: you need to learn marketing funnel automation. You and your sales team or marketers cannot chase after clients all the time. In fact, once you have the system in place, you don’t need to do the running at all. I’ll give you ideas how to do it… Click to read more
5. What Is A Webinar | Get To Know How To Create One
What is a webinar? What are the best secrets to one that ultimately converts or sells? Let me walk you through my 27-step framework. By the end of this post, you’ll know what it is and how to use it to enroll clients in your program… Click to read more
What have you done this week? Let us know in the comments below.