Video: How to Build a Thriving Seminar or Workshop Business

“HOW?” is the question I get asked the most.
My clients want to know:
• How do I become a motivational speaker?
• How do I build a seminar business?
• How do I make money with motivational speaking at seminars?
I’ve made millions speaking from the stage while making a positive impact in the world.
In this video, I show you exactly how I plan out my seminars and teach you how to become a motivational speaker and sell from the stage.
This video is raw, unedited, and reveals my exact thought processes.
Below are points in the video that you really need to see:
– How I craft an irresistible offer at 2:20
– How being a motivational speaker can 10x your income at 17:30
– A breakthrough in my seminar messaging at 26:15
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Ted McGrath
Transformation Coach, Theater Performer, Speaker, and Best Selling Author
Ted is a theater performer, speaker, and best selling author. He has created 5 household brands and made millions teaching Coaches, Speakers, and service based Business Owners how to turn
their life story and life experience into a lucrative business that impacts millions and makes millions.