Online Presentation Tips To Get More Clients | Must-Know Trade Secrets

Do you want online presentation tips to boost your skills and attract customers? There’s a new kind of presenter in the world today, and it’s you. In fact, it’s not the internet marketer who is the most successful online. When it comes to learning how to present online, it’s the person with the most powerful message who wins.
Strategic Online Presentation Tips That Convert Customers
Do you know what inspires me to share these online presentation tips? Let me tell you about an online launch that broke records in my business.
I want you to achieve the level of success I did. I even want you to surpass it! So, I thought of breaking down the five presentation secrets. These are the ones I used to make my record sales.
These presentation secrets (I call them such since not many are aware of them) come with the Ultimate Online Presentation Swipe File. It shows you exactly how to develop online presentation skills that allow you to create powerful webinars, teleseminars, and video over and over!
A lot of people think that when you’re presenting online, you need to have scripts. I believe the exact opposite.
Not only do I rock presentations online, but I also am a theater performer and a seminar leader. I know something about creating authentic presentations that draw your customers to working with you.
1. Story
I’m always baffled when people work so hard on the close. They script it. They spend hours, months, years, etc., on it. The truth is the close is nothing more than a story.
Yes, your online presentation is nothing more than a story.
One of the best online presentation tips is to create a story – but it should not be any random tale. It should inspire your customers to sign up.
I actually use six stories that help me become one of the highest-paid consultants in the industry. I use them when I sell online and on the stage. They are also handy in my low-end offers, my webinar offers, my high-end offers, and my stage offers.
I use these stories everywhere!
Here’s the first secret about the story. In my opinion and research, a personal story is the number 1 reason why clients buy.
Think about the last person you bought something from. Did you look for what they could do for you, or did you first tune in to see if you could trust them?
It’s the latter, right? You get your spidey senses going, and you feel into whether or not they are trustworthy. You justify it with their skill set, but if you don’t feel good about them, then you don’t buy. Or if you do buy, you regret it later.
How To Make A Story
One of the online presentation tips is to make a story that’s both real and vulnerable.
You might be thinking, “C’mon, Ted, do people even care about my story?” The answer is they don’t. They care about their life.
So when you make a story, you want them to think they are the character. This will get them to listen and believe.
Here’s what you need:
1. Call
Instantly, your introduction should create compassion for the character and connection.
“So I’m six years old, and my dad tells me he and my mom are getting a divorce.”
2. Pit
The Pit of the story brings the client into their Pit moment and allows them to feel the pain of not changing. Later, they will feel the emotion they need to crawl out of their Pit and say yes to your offer.
“I’m sitting on my couch with my hands in my face, $2,000 in my bank account, and my house in foreclosure, wondering what am I going to do with my life?”
I can go on and on about story, but do you see how sharing about your life creates real emotion for your customers and allows them to connect with you and their own emotions?
Don’t Make This Mistake
When it comes to story, many people follow one of the conventional online presentation tips: give a chain of events.
“So I went to college, and then I got a career, and then I made $1,000,000 and I was unhappy, so I started my own business.” Boring!
In my theater show, I play 15 characters from my life story. To get their attention, I speak in the present tense. When you are present, your client will be present, whether it’s online or in person.
So here’s one of my recommendations for online presentation tips: in your next video, tell your story and do it in 60 seconds. It doesn’t have to be a long drawn-out story. You can be present to the emotion of the story, drop into one of the moments (scenes), and tell it from the present tense.
“I’m sitting on my couch with my face in my hands, wondering what am I going to do with my life?” I use that line in my story because my customers have a message they want to share with the world. Before they meet me, many of them are wondering what they are going to do with their life.
I know that a person who learns these online presentation tips and the power of story can write their ticket to millions and an amazing career.
Don’t get lost in the scripts. Think about what you want to say and talk to people.
2. Call To Action
Another of my “secret” online presentation tips is call to action. If you just told stories in your presentations and gave your clients multiple calls to action, you would be 80% on your way to rocking your presentations online. Developing awesome online presentation skills is that simple!
But how many CTAs do you need? I use anywhere from three to 10 in my presentations. In my videos that sell low-end offers, I use three CTAs. One of my low-end offers is converting at 14 percent from cold traffic. That’s really, really good.
Here’s what I know from making high-end offers that are six figures and above to low-end offers that are less than $100.
When you make the first CTA, your client turns around and looks for the person behind them. Really, they don’t even think you are talking to them. It’s crazy, but many people feel unworthy to buy your products, like they are the stranger in the room.
You sit there wondering why your conversions are low, and your client doesn’t even know if you are talking to them!
So how do you get them into character and believe you are talking to them? You tell them a story!
Here’s An Example
When people ask me about online presentation tips and story, I use an awesome regret story. I talk about my grandmother’s funeral and how I got selected for the send-off speech.
“I’m six years old sitting across the table, watching my grandfather sip on a dirty martini, and my 5-foot-tall grandma Betty leans over with her pink lipstick. She kisses my grandfather on the cheek and says, ‘It’s a good life, isn’t it, Edward?’
“I never forgot that about my grandmother, and I’m asking you when you walk out these doors today, to live every day with no regrets because it’s a good life.”
There wasn’t a dry eye in the room after I told that story.
When I tell this story in my presentations, guess what I do after that story? I give a CTA.
When it comes to online presentation tips, one of the best times to give a CTA is after a story. Your clients are emotional. They receive the indirect message from your story, and they identify with the character now.
The Little Voice
One of my CTAs is to speak to the voice in your client’s head. Point out that little voice in their head and let them look that little voice in the eye.
The only way people make decisions – and ultimately say yes – is if they are willing to confront things.
“If the little voice is in your head talking you out of this, then let me be the bigger voice that stands for your vision, your passion, and your transformation right now. It’s time for you to step up and stand out today!”
3. Problem And Opportunity
I believe everyone can make an offer, but only a few succeed. Be sure you avoid these mistakes when doing so:
— Ted McGrath (@ted_mcgrath) July 29, 2017
One of my tips for online presentations is to highlight the problem and the opportunity right in the beginning of your presentation. I call this Brand Story.
What is it? It’s the problem and the opportunity on steroids.
There’s a favorite movie of mine called The Hurricane with Denzel Washington. He’s in prison, and he’s talking to this boy Lazarus, who is trying to get him out of jail.
And he says, “It is very important that we transcend, Lazarus. Just like Mahatma Gandhi, Martin Luther King. They transcended beyond the walls of this prison, beyond the shackles of humanity.”
I say the same thing to you.
Transcending Is Key
One of my best-kept secrets for online presentation tips is transcending. In my 7 figure Message To Millions launch, I created what I call a Brand Story, which highlighted the problems and opportunities of my customers.
“There’s a new celebrity in the world today, and it’s you. You have a life story to tell, you have life lessons to teach, and you have a message to share with the world. And you can build a celebrity brand, attract high-quality clients, and earn multiple streams of income.
“The new celebrity is the coach who wants to change a life, the speaker who wants to share their voice with humanity, the internet marketer who wants to make a real difference, etc.”
Notice how I created a new identity for coaches, speakers, internet marketers, etc.?
With this idea, people transcend to a new level of respect for themselves with a new realization their life story is the key to getting a powerful message out to the world.
If you don’t have a product that connects to your life story, dig deeper because I guarantee I could find it for you if I was coaching you.
The brand story talks about the problem and the opportunity. The opportunity in my videos was all about sharing your life story and life lessons and getting paid for it.
I transcended the typical marketing around messaging, and I got right to the core of the message by getting them to look at their life story. My clients enrolled by the droves to this product because they wanted to share themselves with the world. They wanted self-expression!
Do you think people connected with my brand? Yes! But why?
They connected with themselves and the fact that they weren’t standing for their message and the transformation of their clients.
Creating A Brand Story
These online presentation tips mean nothing if you don’t know how to make a Brand Story.
To do it, you identify the problem and opportunity. Then you create a new story that also makes a new identity for the customer. In the process, they identify with the brand because they are able to relate themselves.
4. Value Of Time
Many online presentation tips will tell you to shorten your videos. Here’s what I learned: as long as I’m giving multiple CTAs throughout the presentation, then time doesn’t matter.
If I’m engaging and I’m connecting and I’m captivating my customer, then they lose time. They don’t know the difference between one and two minutes.
However, if you’re worried about them staying engaged, then make an early CTA. Now there is a fine line between making it too early versus making it at the right time. In my low-tier offers, I make a CTA early on for the fast-action takers.
And because I always make several CTAs, I don’t have to worry about my conversions going down if I go for 10 minutes on an offer while other people tell me to only go for two minutes. The fast-action takers will act on the first CTA. The people who need more info might need to wait to the second or third CTA.
What does it matter? As long as I made the offer early on, then I can go for 20 minutes if I want. The longer I go, the more likely I am to get the people who are on the fence.
So I keep going until I get them off the fence.
Which Converts The Best?
This is based on my own personal experience and my style. I found the conversions on my videos for my low-tier offers went from 2.5 percent using a text-page offer to 5 percent using a video sales letter and 13.94 percent using my iPhone.
The longer video on my iPhone did the best.
iPhone? Yes. I just pick up phone and talk to people when I make my low-tier offers. No camera crew, no editing, just good old-fashioned me, my iPhone, and some epic skills on presenting online.
If you’re following the online presentation tips on the list, you can make do the same thing. After all, you know your Brand Story (problem/opportunity), offer, and CTAs.
For My Message to Millions launch, I did a live presentation for 8 hours straight. I had over 100 people buy my mid-tier product. I made CTAs in the first hour and every hour throughout.
When people watched my 20-minute video to book a strategy session with one of my coaches to be considered for my new celebrity high-end immersion training, I brought in 20 high-end customers and broke a new record for me.
Normally a video like this could be 3 to 4 minutes.
So another of my online presentation tips is to forget about time. Length isn’t the issue. An engaging presentation with multiple CTAs is what captures most people.
5. Case Stories
You can tell that I’m huge on story. Nothing has grown my personal brand bigger than that.
But your story isn’t enough. For my last of my online presentation tips, you need a case story that sells.
When you share client testimonials, the power in their testimonial is the emotion. You, therefore, want to help them create their testimonials like the director on a movie set would.
Interview your clients, pretend you’re the director and ask them questions that get to the core emotion. Let me give you a hint. Don’t focus only on their results but also on who they have become.
Ask this question: “Who have you become along this journey?” “What does it mean to you to become the person that your children and your parents are so proud of?”
These questions get to the core of human emotion, and emotion is what inspires people to buy.
So if you want to inspire more customers to say yes, then let your clients inspire them with their stories.
If you aren’t able to get a video of your clients, then tell a great story about one of them in your presentation. If you think about your presentations as a story you are creating and that you are the director, it’s fun and easy to create presentations.
But who needs to direct the presentation? You! Not some script.
If you implement these online presentation tips, then you will become a master that convert and attract awesome customers.
Remember, however, mastering presentation skills online and becoming an amazing presenter isn’t a destination. It’s a journey that you can be proud of when you trust yourself rather than a script. You can do this thing. Rock it!
Here’s a video for the tips on how to create powerful online presentations. Press play to watch and don’t forget to share!
How did these online presentation tips help you? Are they doable? Let me know your thoughts in the comments below.
Up Next: An Online Presentation That Sells | Tips On How to Create One