Don’t Miss These Posts On Ted McGrath…

1. Bildungsroman Definition | How To Design Your Own Personal Story
What’s the definition of bildungsroman? The German word “bildung” is an education while “roman” means novel. It’s a story about an event that proved to be educational and life-changing. It usually highlights the formative years and challenges faced by the author. Typically, it includes a positive ending with the author’s disappointments and mistakes behind them and a positive and useful life ahead of them… Click to read more
2. Influence People With These 5 Easy Group Coaching Program Techniques
Over the past few years, I’ve built a million-dollar empire, and one of my techniques to influence people is very simple: group coaching. You can compare it to a blog post going viral. The more people see it, the faster your message spreads. With a program designed to teach more than one person, you can create a stronger positive impact while multiplying your income many times over a short period of time. Coaching a group is usually intimidating for beginners, so let me help you with these five techniques… Click to read more
3. Become The Best Public Speaker In 5 Easy Steps
To be the best public speaker is easy. But first, you have to remember that there’s a new kind of coach and speaker. Adhering to the rules of this new kind of motivational speaking will make the biggest impact and give you the most success. Do you want to follow this path in public speaking? If so, and if you’re up for the challenge, here are my key insights on how you can become the best coach or great public speaker and rock your business… Click to read more
4. How To Master A Stage Presentation And Become An Effective Speaker
As a speaker and coach, I’ve learned that success begins with mastering stage presentation. The moment you do, there’s no limit to your engagement with your audience or the topics you can talk about. You can effectively deliver the message you want to share and you can provide the transformation your audience members are looking for. What stage presentation skills do you need to be an effective speaker? Click to read more
5. Superstar Speakers | How To Make Six Figures At Your Next Seminar
Today, I’ll share with you how to make six figures at your next seminar by doing three important things. A lot of my clients go on to earn six figures in their businesses after working with me. You may be wondering, how did they do that? A lot of times, people think this is a tall task, but it doesn’t have to be. So if you want to make a six-figure salary as a speaker, apply these three tips on your next live event! Click to read more
What have you done this week? Let us know in the comments below.