Don’t Miss These Posts On Ted McGrath…

Here’s what happened on Ted McGrath
1. 7 Bad Habits You MUST Avoid During Networking Events
A lot of professionals are guilty of bad habits when they participate in networking events. I know because I committed some of these bad habits myself. That’s why I can say with certainty that most of the time we don’t even know we’re doing them! These are the top bad networking habits that can ruin your networking style. Figure out which ones apply to you, use the tips below to get ready for your next networking event, and start making an impact! Click to read more
2. How to Create a Free Gift For Your Clients and Earn More Money
Today I want to teach you how to create a free gift for your clients. I will also be sharing with you the psychology behind offering one free gift over another. If you want to learn how the free gift offer can fit into your business model, gain you more high-quality clients, and increase your wealth, keep reading… Click to read more
3. Earn Multiple Streams Of Income By Monetizing Your Message
Everybody has a message, but not all can take advantage of earning multiple streams of income from it. I think the biggest problem is the lack of a system on how to get to that point. Today I will talk about the five steps (plus a bonus) on how you can monetize your message once and for all… Click to read more
4. 3 Ways To Stay Motivated And Empowered To Close Out 2017 With Big Wins
The holidays are just around the corner, which means learning how to stay motivated becomes even more difficult. I have here a beautiful infographic on how to keep your momentum going and close the year with a big bang… Click to read more
5. 3 Common Mistakes to Avoid When Making an Offer From the Stage
A lot of my clients are successful in their programs because they try to keep in mind the top mistakes to avoid when making an offer. The information you’re about to read is some I normally only share in my group coaching program, but I understand your passion to share your message and dedication to win. That’s why I’m here to help you out… Click to read more
What have you learned about marketing strategies this week? Let us know in the comments below.