Is Your Story Stopping You?
We all have stories.
They either propel us forward into the life we desire or hold us back.
Your outcome depends on the story you choose to believe about yourself.
For years while I was launching my business, I had a story. It was that I was not a marketer, not a technology guy, and certainly not a guy who built an online business.
It held me back big time.
It kept me from doing the one thing that I wanted most – making an impact.
Does this sound familiar?
Is this you?
Find out what you can do to move beyond the limiting story and into the story that can take you anywhere – watch your Celebrity Sunday video below.
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Ted McGrath
Transformation Coach, Theater Performer, Speaker, and Best Selling Author
Ted is a theater performer, speaker, and best selling author. He has created 5 household brands and made millions teaching Coaches, Speakers, and service based Business Owners how to turn
their life story and life experience into a lucrative business that impacts millions and makes millions.