If I could go back and learn how to sell again, here’s what I would do differently:

If I could go back and learn how to sell again, here’s what I would do differently:
I often think about how I can do things better or how I might do something differently in order to improve the outcome. Selling is such a tough topic for some people, it made me think about myself and how I learned to sell. But what if I could go back and learn it differently? What if I could learn it faster and easier without all the mistakes, what would I change?
If I could go back and learn selling all over again, this is what I would do differently:
Tactics and Strategies. I know you may be expecting me to share a new tactic or strategy for selling, but I’m not.
There are many different tactics and strategies for selling. There is always a tool here or a process there, so I’d still learn and pick the one that is based on integrity, standing for your client’s dreams, and is in alignment with my own mindset.
That is relatively the same. You look for what you can learn about selling and you learn it. Then you go apply what you’ve learned to the same crowd you’ve been selling to every day.
This is where I would change something. I’d start by reminding myself of my dreams. My dream of inspiring millions and acting didn’t become real until I realized what I needed to do to make that dream come true.
#1 – Remember your dreams. Your dreams are BIG right?
Going back to when I first began selling, I realized I couldn’t have reached my BIG dreams if my approach to selling wasn’t BIG too.
Here’s the thing…I needed to change who I was selling to. It’s easy to get caught in the rut of selling to people who are similar to you and where you are or who you feel you CAN sell to.
What if you up-leveled the quality of people who you are enrolling? So, for example, if I’m step it up and enroll somebody with a net worth of a million dollars or who makes a million dollars in income and I feel like that’s hard for me. Well, the more I work with that person, the more I work with people who are making a million dollars, the more I have conversations with them to enroll them, it actually becomes normal. When it becomes normal it becomes easy. In doing so, you not only become better at selling, but you match your efforts to your dreams. Cool right?
If I could go back and change my approach to selling, this is definitely one thing I would change! When it comes to selling, your reasons for selling have to be the right reasons and there’s nothing more right than your dreams.
Now, Initially it might feel like it’s hard to actually go talk to the person making a million dollars a year or talk to the person making 10 million dollars a year or even more because you go, “Wow, I could never do that”.
If you don’t challenge yourself to match the level of your efforts to the level of your dreams, what happens is it remains hard. Because you stay at a lower income bracket, you often talk to people who aren’t ’cause’ over their life. Most of the time when somebody’s making a lower income, their ability to produce and be ’cause’ over their life is not really there. So, selling to them is harder because if they were ’cause’ over their life, they could make more powerful decisions, more quickly. (And reach your dreams faster)
#2 – Up-level the quality of the person you are selling to (even if it seems hard in the beginning)
Do you want selling to stay hard for a very, very long time? Do you want making your dreams real to keep getting pushed off? Or, do you want to challenge yourself to do what it takes to reach your dreams? Yes, it’s going to be challenging for a little bit but you’re going to grow. Growth is rewarding and fulfilling. As you grow, it becomes easier and your dreams get closer.
#3 – Challenge yourself to do what it takes to reach your dreams.
It’s rewarding to play a challenging game. You know competition, when you’re playing in a competition, it’s like the opponent is tough. It’s not easy to beat them but it’s fun. So, it doesn’t need to be easy per se, it just needs to be fun, it needs to be challenging, it needs to be rewarding, it needs to be fulfilling and it needs to make you grow as a person. When you’re doing all these things I think life can be a lot more simple and certainly sales can be just as easy as having a conversation with your friend or your neighbor.
If I could go back and change my approach to selling and learning to sell, I would do things differently for sure. I would have changed my focus to my dreams, so I wasn’t chasing selling for all the wrong reasons. I would have up-leveled the quality of people I sold to earlier and challenged myself to do what it takes to reach my dreams. Doing all of this would have helped me grow as a person faster and ultimately made my dreams come true even sooner than they have.
I hope this article has served you. If you’d like to change your approach to selling right now, here is one way you can get the help you need:
Download my free book, The High Paying Client. In my book, I explain how I up-leveled the quality of the people I enroll. It’s a must read and I know you’ll appreciate it.
Share this article if you know someone who you can help make their own dreams come true through changing their approach to selling. You’d be their hero!
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