How To Make Calls To Action That Enrol More Clients

The single biggest mistake you can make with your Call To Action in your presentations is to make only one.
95% of people thinking about taking you up on your offer need you to help them out in making their decision. You do that by making multiple CTAs.
The more CTAs you make, the more clients you will enrol and the more people you can serve.
Here are 3 ways you can use CTAs to inspire people to say yes to your offer:
- Talk to the little voice in their heads
It’s the voice your clients hear when they’re scared to take action on their own bigger futures. Address that doubting, fearful voice directly:
“I know right now you have doubt, maybe you’re thinking is this program really for me? But if you’re called right now, and you’re feeling this in your heart this is for me, stand up right now and enrol in your bigger future, your vision, your inspiration. Because my program is the vehicle to your vision.”
- Tell an emotional story
One of the best times to give a CTA is right after an emotionally laden story. Your clients will identify with the emotions in the story you told, and you can inspire them to take action from that place.
“I’m six years old sitting across the table watching my grandfather sip on a dirty martini, and my 5 foot tall grandma Betty leans over with her pink lipstick, kisses my grandfather on the cheek and says, ‘It’s a GOOD LIFE, isn’t it Edward.’
“I never forgot that about my grandmother, and I’m asking you when you walk out these doors today, to live every day with no regrets because it’s a good life.”
- Use client testimonial stories
Allow your clients to inspire your future clients with their success stories. Show your audience that people just like them, who were sitting right where they are now, took action and experienced amazing results because of it.
“Brandon was a pastor making $60,000 a year before he met me. He came to my seminar, stood up, enrolled in one of my programs and within 90 days of working with me Brandon did $220,000 at his first seminar. Now he’s in his passion and his purpose.
This is about you right now. Don’t go to sleep tonight and allow your dreams to go to sleep too. No more sleeping. It’s time to make a stand. Get up. Stand for your clients. Enroll in the program.”
What to read next:
8 Steps for Designing Your Presentation to Inspire Clients to Say “Yes!”