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How To Make A High End Offer At Your Workshops & Seminars

There’s no secret to how to make a high-end offer. If you listen to your clients’ stories, and you’re tuned into their message, you can raise the bar and ask. You don’t have to be ashamed of being vulnerable when you’re doing the asking. What needs to happen is for you to channel the place inside of you where your message is coming from.

Making a high-end offer at your event is never about your personal sense of what your work is worth or any perceived monetary value of what you ‘do.’

Instead, it’s about your client, and who they’ll become as a result of working with you.

Choice Tips on How to Make a High-End Offer

Luxury Selling Strategies Involve Life Changing Solutions

How To Make A High-End Offer At Your Workshops & Seminars | Choice Tips from My Luxury Marketing Book

When you sell a high-end offer from the stage, tell people about all the amazing outcomes they will experience through working with you.

Inspire them to take action by showing them the ways that their life will improve through solving the problems they’re currently facing.

You need to understand who they are and where they’re headed. If you can’t imagine their journey, you can’t offer them anything of value.

How to Sell Expensive Services 101

So how do you get there? How do you make a high-end offer from where you are?

You always begin with your clients’ ends in mind. Here’s an example: let’s say you’re a chiropractor and work on peoples bodies.

What does it do for people when their body and health are in a better space?

They have more energy.

What happens when they have more energy?

They become more productive.

What happens when they become more productive?

They can generate more income.

As a result of that, they can invest money in growing their business and can have a bigger impact in the world.

As a result of that, they get paid more.

With this in mind, ask yourself: How is the product I’m offering going to help my clients meet their goals? If you can answer this in no uncertain terms, then you have an offer worth hearing.

RELATED:  How To Get High Quality Clients In Your Seminars Without An Email List

Marketing to High-End Customers Begins with Story

Marketing to High-End Customers Begins with Story|How To Make A High End Offer At Your Workshops & Seminars

Create greater outcomes for your clients, and the value and pricing of your offer goes up.

To make high end offers from the stage, you need to be a master of storytelling, not selling.

At my seminars, I make a $200,000 offer, a $100,000 offer, a $30,000 offer, and a $2,000 offer.

I don’t sell coaching products or programs. I sell futures.

Throughout my events, I tell super personal stories to create a connection between me and my guests. I tell them about how I overdosed and almost lost my life. It’s important to be open and vulnerable, so I tell them about the trauma I felt at 6 when my parents got divorced.

I tell them about who I have become in my life and the transformations I have experienced.


In case, you want to learn selling techniques you can use even outside of seminars here’s a few tips from me:

The key to making high end offers is knowing you are helping people come to their true potential — in your presence and on your program. That’s what people want to buy into.

Do you know understand how to make a high-end offer? Do you have your own secret selling technique you’d like to share? Comment down below.

Up Next: How To Sell from the Stage in 7 Steps

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