Superstar Speaker | Create Your Winning Offer to Sell From The Stage

Before we jump into creating an offer so you can sell from the stage, let’s first think about how to define what the offer is. I define the offer as inspiring people to tale action on their dreams. It’s your job to inspire people to become something more than they already are. That’s it.
It sounds simple when I put it that way, but there are some key strategies I use to make it easy for people to get inspired and say yes to my offer, and I’m going to share them with you right now.
How to Create An Offer That Gets A Yes Every Single Time
This is more about the structure and the key components of the offer. Once you’ve been able to properly define offer for your audience, you can begin to craft your approach.
If you really want to know how to close from the stage, which I call inspiring people to take action, you’re going to want to buy my Sell From The Stage System, because to actually close from the stage, your ratios could go from 10% now to 50% of the room saying yes, if you know the techniques of closing.
Right now, there’s a lot to cover in just the structure of an offer, which, yes, will improve your sales but won’t make you a master of closing. Let’s get into the offer right now.
Technique 1: All Types of Offers Succeed Only Through Education
It’s important that people still know you’re teaching them when you make the transition into the offer. You’re going along and you’re teaching your content in your presentation and immediately you say, “Oh, I hope you enjoyed this. Right now, I want to talk to you about something that I want to offer to you.”
This is horrible! Don’t do it.
Technique 2: Create A Sense of Immediacy and Avoid Fumbling the Transition to the Offer
How should you transition into your offer? You have to tell people, “Hey, I’m really glad I was able to be here with you today. I hope you enjoyed this content. I could go on for days, but unfortunately, we don’t have days. We’ve got 20 minutes left.”
“In the last 20 minutes, I want to explain the remaining six steps of my blueprint that you must know to go build a lifestyle-friendly business. Without these six steps, you’ll never have permanent change. Pay close attention as I’m introducing these six steps, these are the six steps in my Message To Millions program and my live event that I want you to come to, so I’m going to talk to you about how you can come to that and get registered today as well.”
That’s a good transition. Make sense? If you just say, “Hey, I hope you enjoyed this, I have an offer that I want to share with you,” people are going to tune out, because when people hear the word “offer,” they’re like, “I’m going to get sold.” This is really important, hugely, hugely, hugely important. Do not screw that up, okay? So important, because if you don’t have people’s attention your sales ratio will automatically go down.
This is so basic, but if they tune out because you made a bad transition all of a sudden, you don’t have their attention. 50% of the room will drift or some people might just leave the room. Your odds of selling just went down by 50%. That’s horrible.
Technique 3: Seed the Offer in the Beginning
Another thing is in your presentation. When you’re selling something, make sure that you actually let people know there’s an offer coming.
Sometimes, what I’ll do in the beginning of a presentation is seed the offer or seed the bonus. In the beginning of one of my presentations, I’ll say something like, “Hey, at the end, I’m really excited because I have two tickets to my live event and you’re going to be able to get tuition waivers to my life event, which means I’m waiving the tuition. It typically is $2,000 to come to my event, so essentially, I’m waiving $4,000 worth of tuition, and I’ll share with you how to get those tickets at the end.”
Now, what did I just do? I engaged people to look forward to the end. I did that at the beginning of my presentation, the first seven minutes of my presentation. The first seven minutes is all about creating engagement, giving them reasons and excitement of something to look forward to.
Now, you might be thinking, “Ted, aren’t you selling the live event?” No, when I sell from the stage, I sell my online program, and then I’ll give tuition waivers to the live event.
Having something at the end that they’re going to look forward to is important. That’s also called seeding. One of the reasons I sell my online program is because I want more people to come to my live event. If I’m seeding my live events, they know something is coming at the end.
The two tuition waivers are a little hook to get them to pay attention to something they’re excited about.
Technique 4: Bundle the Ask With Bonuses, Ways to Offer Discounts to Create Anticipation
How to make selling the EASIEST thing you do as a coach!
— Ted McGrath (@ted_mcgrath) October 24, 2017
Now, the only way to get those tuition waivers is they need to register for Message to Millions, my online training, right? It’s the only way that they get those, but notice how I’m positioning it. I’m going to tell them at the end how they get the tickets.
My transition at the end might be, “Hey, you’re probably wondering, I talked about getting those two free tickets to my live event. I could go on teaching for days and days with this content, and I actually do have my live event. To continue your education with me, you’re going to have to come to the live event, but the cool thing is, at the live event, I’m going to teach the other six steps that I’m also going to tell you about right now. Pay close attention. Whether you come or not, you need to know these six steps. I teach them for four straight days as live events, so let me tell you about how you’re going to get tickets. Let me invite you to the Message to Millions online training, which comes with two tuition waivers to the live event. Here’s what it is.”
Notice how I did it? I linked and now I’m going to talk to you about my online program and how to get those tickets to the live event, and I’m going to tell them they have to register for the live event. They have to register for the online training to get tickets to the live event. Makes sense?
I set it up in the beginning. Setting up your offer in the beginning of your presentation, so they’ve heard about it over and over again makes an offer really good. This is super important.
Technique 5: Tell the Stories of Your Customers and Seed
Another time where I might talk about my Message to Millions training is when I’m talking about one of my personal case stories.
I say, “You know one of my clients, Tyler Watson, when he first started out in this space, he was knocking doors and he had zero sales. In fact, he would go into his car and take a power nap every single day because he just couldn’t confront the sales process. He didn’t know what he was doing. Well, until one day, he registered for my Message to Millions online training, and in registering for that program, Tyler was like, ‘Oh my God, after two days of going boot camp into your Message to Millions online training, I went out and I made my first sale ever.”
What am I doing in the case story? I’m seeding the program that I’m about to sell. If I’m seeding near the beginning, giving a case story that talks about the Message to Millions online training and I’m telling two, three case stories before I even get to the offer. By the time I get to the offer they would have heard about it four times already. Yet another way that I might seed the offer.
Technique 7: Find Creative Ways to Seed Consistently in Your Marketing Offer Ideas
I might say throughout the presentation, “Hey, I really hope that you like this blueprint that I’m teaching you about right now. In fact, at my Message to Millions live event, I spend an entire day on it. My Message to Millions online training that I do as well, I spend an entire four hours just on this blueprint. Let me teach you more about this blueprint right now in the time that we have left, and I’ll tell you more how you could access that at the end.”
I seeded it again. I’m constantly seeding, why? If I’m seeding well leading up to the offer, I’m more likely to succeed with it. If I transition well into the offer, I’m more likely to succeed with it. Is this making sense? I gave you two things that have nothing to do with your actual offer itself right now, but everything to do with it, right? It’s the setting up of it, of what’s about to come, and it’s the seeding throughout the presentation until you get into the part where you actually make the offer.
Technique 8: Know the Structure of Your Content and Seed Strategically
Let’s think of a 90-minute presentation as an example. Seed like I did with the tuition waivers to the live event in the first 20 minutes. If you don’t have a live event, you might seed some bonuses you’re going to give away at the end for free and say, “At the end, we’ll give you an opportunity to get this for free, so pay attention.”
You’re seeding something that’s going to be included in the program you’re selling, but you’re seeding the bonus that they’re going to get for free when they register for the program you’re selling. That happens in the first 20 minutes.
You have 40 minutes of content, right? 40 minutes of content, you’re going to talk about what? You’re going to teach them content and you’re going to tell case stories, and you’re going to seed your training. I’m seeding the Message to Millions training all throughout that content. By the time I get to the offer of the Message to Millions training, they’ve heard it seven times.
Write this down, familiarity breeds confidence. When people are familiar with your stuff, they’re more confident to take action on it. When they’ve heard it over and over again, they’re more connected to it, which makes them more confident. They’re more likely to take action. I’m setting this up so you’re really great at making the offer. Still making sense?
Technique 9: Know the Structure of Your Presentation and When to Sell
Now, finally, when you get into the offer, I’m just going to teach you something structurally here. I’m going to teach you one more thing, the third thing that will increase your conversions.
First was putting the bonus in upfront. Second was seeding throughout. Third thing is the structure of your offer. If you want to get more advanced into this – to three, four, five, ten times your conversion – you have to get way better and master selling. This is what my Sell From The Stage program is all about, but this will get you in the game a little bit here to start getting you into a place where you’re decent at it rather than most people who are afraid to sell and they’re miserable at it, right?
We now know that the first 20 minutes of your presentation is the intro, 40 minutes is content, and the last 30 minutes you’re going to sell. Now, if you’re only doing a 60-minute presentation, it might be the first 10 minutes is the intro. You’ll have 30 minutes of content and 20 minutes to sell.
Make sense?
Technique 10: Build A Framework for Surefire Conversions
Let’s assume this last piece is 20 minutes or 30 minutes of your offer. The thing you’re selling should consist of five to seven steps. If all you did right now was get clear on what those five to seven steps are, you’ll immeasurably improve your conversions. Why?
Number one, most people are all over the place when they try to sell. What you need is a framework for your offer, five to seven steps. For me, I know my steps in my Message to Millions training. Step one is the Story Formula. Step two is the Message to Millions Product Blueprint. Step three is the Never Ending Client System. Step four is the Fast Client Enrollment Formula. Step five is the Group Coaching Program. Step six is the Online Presentation Mastery. Step seven is the Strategic Partner Formula. Those are my seven steps.
Now, I wouldn’t go through them that quickly at all with an audience. I would go through them step by step, and for each step, like the Story Formula, step number one, I would have three bullet points underneath that. For step two, I would have three bullet points underneath that. Number one, name your steps. The Story Formula is a name of a step, it tells people what it is.
It’s about story, right? Under each of these steps, there are three sub-steps telling your audience how to “do this so you can have this.” Make sense?
Step two: name. The Message to Millions product blueprint. What I’m going to teach you in this is…
- How to package your life story and message so you can get paid in four different ways
- How to create a great offer so more people sign up for your coaching programs.
Notice the bullet points, right? That’s how you do a really great offer.
If all you did was the three things that I’m teaching you right now and you had clarity of what your actual offer is, and my promise here was to give you the ultimate offer, which is clarity, it’s setting up the offer and its clarity on what you’re actually selling.
If your closing was still not good, it’s likely you’d still get some sales just by doing it this way. If you never closed before and you were just clear, you’d still get some sales. Once you get into the program, here is what it is, step one, two, three, four, five. Make sense?
Build A Strong Opening, Seed Creatively, Give Clarity
Convince your audience to connect with you through these simple steps! #audience #connect #speak #speaker #tips #conversation #success #life #experiences #skills #teach #teaching
— Ted McGrath (@ted_mcgrath) December 28, 2017
Those are my tips on how to give a great presentation. Number one, in the intro, share the bonus you’re going to give away at the end when they register for your program. You don’t say “When you register for my program…” You just say,
“You’re going to get this for free,” or “You get the tuition waived.”
Number two, seeding all the way, number three, structurally, what are the five to seven bullet points of your offer with the sub-points in them. If you just did that, you’d be so much better at selling from the stage, presenting from the stage, and going into your offer.
To really master selling from the stage, to increase your conversions, even more, you’re going to want this Sell From The Stage System because it goes into all the stuff in an actual offer. There are many bullet points you need to hit. There are many ways you have to do calls to action to get people to actually buy.
There are many ways of different closing techniques, which I call inspiring techniques from the psychology of what your customers are sharing. There are different ways that you build momentum throughout the talk.
All that I do in the Sell From The Stage System is not more advanced, it’s just if you want to really learn how to sell, that’s how you do it. I hope this serves you and that you’ve enjoyed what you’ve learned so far.
Do you feel that you are now able to define offer and tailor yours to your next audience? Comment down below and share your plans for your next presentation.
Up Next: What Is A Sales Funnel & What Is Its Role In Marketing