How to Get Clients Through Client Enrollment System

What’s the problem most people are facing when they try and grow their business?
They don’t know how to get new clients. Or if they do, they’re not getting the right clients or not enough of them.
Let Me Show You How to Get Clients for a New Business
I‘m going to teach you the 7 questions I use to enroll high-quality clients.
This system will empower you to:
- defuse objections before they even come up
- stand in your value when you lose confidence and stand for the transformation of your clients
- come to a place of peace and comfort within yourself, knowing you can show up to any conversation where you’ll ask for money and feel totally at ease about it
If you practice this system and master this conversation, not only will you get paid what you are worth but you’ll also be able to enroll more clients with more ease, stop exchanging time for dollars, and create more freedom in your business so you can live the life you truly want.
So why aren’t you attracting the clients you want?
It’s simple: you’re afraid to sell and enroll new clients.
Enrolling clients is about inspiring them to take action on their dreams and their vision for their future. That’s it!
If you demonstrate in your enrollment conversations that you are 100% focused on helping your clients achieve their vision for their future, who wouldn’t want to sign up?
So what are the questions to ask? How do you help the client crystallize their vision? How do you help them overcome their challenge? How do you give them a plan or path to get there?
You ask the following questions:
1. Asking “What’s your vision?” is central to knowing how to get customers’ attention
This is all about finding out exactly what it is they want to create in their life or their business (or whichever area they are coming to you for help with). You need to know their vision because when you make an offer, that’s what you’re going to sell them– not your product or program, their own vision.
If you don’t get their whole vision of their whole life, you won’t get paid what you’re worth and you won’t accomplish their most important goals.
If your client isn’t sure how to respond, you can re-frame this question slightly, and ask: “If it’s a year from now and we’re having this conversation, what has to happen for you to feel really great about your progress?”
Once you’ve asked the question, stay quiet. Create a space for your client to respond.
2. Listening for and understanding a person’s goals is key to how to get your first clients and land new ones
“What’s your most important professional goal right now?”
The phrasing of this question depends on what industry you’re in and the area people are coming to you for help with.
I start off with professional because people are coming to me to build a business.
If you’re helping somebody with their health, you’d ask about their most important health goal.
Same goes if you’re talking with a programmer, you need to listen first before you talk about how to get clients for a software company.
“What’s the challenge that’s stopping you from achieving your most important goal?”
Now you know what the vision and the most important goal is, you want to get really clear on the big challenge.
The first things your client will tell you are the surface challenges – for example, “I’m not making enough money.”
You can go deeper into their challenges until you uncover the real challenges underneath.
3. Breaking down your client’s challenges is one of the best tips to build a clientele
Ask: ”What do you think is behind that?”
If you ask more penetrating questions, you’ll get to the deeper fears. When you know the deepest fears, you can help your client eliminate those to get their breakthrough results.
It can be hard for clients to open up and get vulnerable with you, so make it easier for them and share something personal they might be able to relate to.
I might tell a client that when I wasn’t making the money I wanted, it was because I didn’t feel good about myself and didn’t feel like I really valued myself. The moment I broke through that, the clients and the money started coming in.
The moment you get vulnerable and real, it gives your client permission to reveal their real challenge.
The moment you get somebody into their real challenges, you’re having a real conversation.
This is a pivotal part of the enrollment conversation.
Here’s some real talk from me, it’s not about landing the deal. It’s all about being present when you’re talking with the client:
4. Exciting clients for achievement was the key for me to know how to get more clients to my business – and it could be yours too
“If that problem were solved right now in your life, what would it mean to you and your family?”
Just as you took the time to explore your client’s challenges with more probing questions, do the same here.
When they tell you what the benefit to them would be – “It would change my life!” – ask them, “Well, what would happen?”
And when they give you a little more detail, ask the same question again. And again.
As your client goes into detail here, they’ll reveal to you all the outcomes they desire in their life – and all these are going to be the outcomes of your program when you come to invite them to enroll with you.
At this point, before I move onto other questions, I repeat 2-4 for different areas of my clients’ life – I ask them about their professional goals, personal goals and contribution goals (how they want to give back and leave the world a better place).
Once I’ve got a complete vision of what they want to achieve in all areas of their life and the challenges they’re facing, I move on to my next question.
5. Lock onto your client’s pain and make them see the cost of inaction
What do you think it’s costing you in your life of not achieving your most important goal?
Now you want your client to tell you about the emotional impact staying where they are is having on their life.
When I invite clients to enroll in my programs, I don’t talk about the ROI – instead, I talk about the COI, the Cost Of Inaction.
When your clients answer this question, they’re telling you the cost of their lives to stay where they are right now. When you make your offer, you can compare this to the costs of investing in working with you to help them achieve their goals.
6. Asking clients for consistency in vision activates their commitment
Are you painting your vision or just dreaming of painting it?
— Ted McGrath (@ted_mcgrath) August 26, 2016
Tell me, why is this all so important to you? (Repeat their goals back to them)
Now you’re looking for a little more emotional juice, to get them invested in their vision at a deeper personal level.
Their answer will show you something emotional that tells you why it’s important, and that will give you something to help them make a decision when the time comes.
By now, people are so invested in this conversation they can make this decision easily and effortlessly.
You don’t have to overcome objections; simply by asking these questions and giving your client space to respond, they’ll give you everything you need to defuse their objections.
7. Gauge how committed they are and offer only when their commitment level is at 100%
Then go deeper:
On a scale of 1-10, how committed are you to your most important goal? 1 meaning you’re not committed at all, and 10 meaning you’re fully committed and nothing will stop you from doing it.
You want your clients to be at a level 10 on this question before you make your offer. If they’re not at a level 10, don’t make the offer. Spend some time getting them to a level 10.
If the level they give you is below a 10, ask them what it would take to get them to a 10?
Challenge them and find out why they’re not fully committed.
If objections come up along the way, handle them.
For example, if a client tells you they just don’t have the confidence, you might ask them if they agree that confidence is created through taking the journey and making wins along the way? And knowing that, the only way to get that confidence is going on the journey. And knowing that, do you feel like you could get to a level 10?
Before I end this blog entry, let me tell you about closing sales:
By the time your client is committed at a level 10, you have everything you need to go into the offer now.
If you’ve followed these questions and kept the conversation flowing so you and your client are co-creating their vision of what they want in their life, making the decision to work with you should be a no-brainer!
You’ll be glad to know that I impart more of this kind of wisdom in my seminars. Please check out my events on my other site and you could be well on your way to making your own Message to Millions.