How to Eliminate Client Objection | The Objection Eliminator Episode

In this video, I want to talk to you about how to eliminate client objection in seven seconds or less. Now, this seems like a tall order, but I’m going to show you how to do it, and it starts actually with one word, and the word is “now.” The truth is any client objection is just trying to push you out to a time in the future.
Master Class Objection Handling Techniques and Methods
Let’s take these one-by-one, the top three objections that most clients have are as follows:
Important note: What appears to be an objection can immediately be turned into a solution opportunity of creative thinking to solve the problem.
Situation #1: When clients use the most common type of sales objections and answers which revolve around the phrase: “I have to think about it.”
For example, you’re sitting with a client, and you go, “Well, hey, I’d like you to enroll in my Message to Millions program, and here’s what the investment is,” and the client goes, “Well, I’d like to think about it.”
The question in response is:
“What would you like to think about right now? I could set up this strategy conversation with you so that we could think about your future, think about your vision, and the best time to do that would be with somebody like me, who’s skilled to have these conversations with you, and to think about it now. So what would you like to think about right now? What’s on your mind right now?”
Notice it’s a non-threatening question. But it immediately takes the client from going, “I need to think about it”. They’re deferring the enrollment conversation to some time into the future.
You may never get back to it. And by being skilled and going, “What would you like to think about right now?” or “What’s on your mind right now?” you immediately address and help them confront the thing that they don’t want to confront.
The Underlying Principle: Overcoming Customer Objections with the Power of Now
Bringing it into the present moment by using the word “now,” you’re immediately handling the objection, and it’s no longer an objection. It becomes a creative thinking process for them to flush out all their concerns. You hear their concerns, and then you talk through a solution.
It’s the difference between going into a reactionary mode where the client’s reacting. They’re withdrawing. They’re pulling back. That means they’re not moving forward into their future. They’re moving backward versus coming up with a solution right now, addressing it right now. That puts you in a creative position to solve the problem immediately. And the objection vanishes with that question, number one.
Samantha Jacobsen shares the 5 common sales objections in this Tweet:
Do you know top 5 sales objections? #salesobjections
— Samantha Jacobsen (@samanthajacobs2) June 22, 2017
Situation #2: When clients use common customer objections involving scheduling or time.
You’re sitting there with the client, you talk to them, and they go, “I don’t really have the time right now.”. I actually have a 12-step questioning process that I take a client through.
You too should have some type of process of your own to find out what’s most important to the client.
So again when a client goes, “Well, I don’t have time right now,” you simply turn to them and you say:
“Well, you mentioned to me that this is one of your most important goals. Out of your top three goals, this is one of your most important goals. So may I ask you a question? What else should you be spending your time on right now other than this?”
We’re bringing it into the present tense of going, “What else should you be spending your time on right now other than this?”
Again, the word “now” brings it into the present tense. We’re bringing their most important goals to the forefront. See, they’re going, “I don’t have time right now to my most important goal.”
That’s basically what their objection is, “I don’t have time right now to my most important goal.” How silly does that sound?
The Underlying Principle: Calling on Priorities Melts Time-Oriented Types of Objections in Sales
People give objections because they’re in fear or they’re reactionary or they’re in this withdrawal phase. It immediately takes all that away and it brings a rational question to the forefront of, “This is your most important goal. What else should you be spending time on right now instead of this?”
They have to rationally come back and answer that question right now, and immediately it’s gone. When somebody sees rationality staring them in the face when they see the solution, they’ll automatically go, “Oh, I see,” and the objection is now gone.
Situation #3: When the product objection is pricing or when you hear clients say “I don’t have the money right now to do this.”
“I don’t have the money right now to do this.”
You go: “Oh, totally understand. What kind of money do you have right now?” What do we do in the end?
We’re bringing them back into the present tense of, “What kind of money do you have right now?”. Not, “I don’t have the money,” but we’re bringing them into a yes. An affirmative, a solution state of, “What kind of money do you have right now?”. Then they start to open up their finances.
A lot of times, people let people walk away with the “I don’t have money” thing because they don’t want to talk about money. If you simply address it and go, “What kind of money do you have right now? Let’s talk through it because it’s important that I understand your financial situation.”
The Underlying Principle: When Finances are a Pain, Empathy and Dialogue is Key in Overcoming Price Objections in Sales
In fact, in my 12-question framework, when I asked you specifically about your goals and what was most important to you, you talked about your financial goal. In your financial goal, you want to make this, so let’s talk about what kind of money you have right now so we can talk about getting to your overall goals and making this a reality because you said this is important to you.”
Immediately, with this dialogue, we diffuse the objection. What creates an objection is somebody’s unwillingness to enter the conversation. That’s all it is.
If you get somebody into a real conversation, that means they’re confronting it and the whole resistance and the objection, it goes away.
Now, this doesn’t mean that their problem goes away.
The objection goes away. Which means you can solve the problem and can be in solution phase rather than in objection phase. Which when you’re in objection phase, it’s resistance, “I don’t want to talk about it,” and you’re not in the situation. If you’re not in the situation, communicating with it, you can’t solve it.
The moment the objection is gone, it doesn’t mean the problem goes away, right? It doesn’t mean that all of a sudden that money appears. It means they solve a problem, and the problem is, “I don’t have the money.”
“Okay, but there’s always a solution, so let’s talk through how to create the money or find the money or how to make this a priority”. The time issue really just kind of fades away when you show them time.
“Here’s your time, and I get time is in your world. Might be something that is finite. You only have so much time, but here’s what you said is most important, so where else should you be spending your time?”
That normally just disappears, because they go, “Oh, my god, I’m not spending any time on my dream, on the thing that’s most important to me”. A lot of times handling that objection, it just diffuses the whole problem right there.
But there are situations around money where you’re not going to diffuse the problem on the spot. If you pay attention to this, what’s the common denominator that’s solving this and eliminating objections in seven seconds?
It’s now. It’s confronting it now.
How Coaching Clients to Live Their Message in the Present Dissipates Common Customer Objections and Responses
You can use any variation of questions based on what I just used like, “Okay, what kind of money do you have right now?” brings it into the now. “I have to think about it”. “Okay, well, I set up this strategy session for you and discuss this and think about it now.
What better time to think about it now than a conversation that is about this goal? Because you’re going to go back into your life, and then you’re going to be focused on other things that aren’t as important.”
We’re bringing it all into the now. If you start asking questions versus backing off, you will start to completely eliminate the objection the moment it comes up. Then, you can rationally and creatively solve the problem.
Here’s the original video where all of these insights were taken from:
Here’s the other thing. A solution is not coming up because there is no communication. Just because you’re the coach doesn’t mean you’ve got the answers. You need to bring up questions that allow them to creatively come up with answers.
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