Don’t Miss These Posts On Ted McGrath…

Here’s what happened on Ted McGrath
1. How to Balance Family and Business During the Holidays
It’s the holidays once again, and, for entrepreneurs, this time of year means learning how to balance family and business. I completely understand the problem, since I’ve been there. During the early years of speaking and creating coaching programs, I was literally exhausted. I was making thousands and even millions of dollars, but I didn’t even have the time to visit my family during Thanksgiving and Christmas. I don’t want you to commit the same mistakes I did, so I’m sharing these pointers with you… Click to read more
2. 9 Email Data Metrics You Should Track To Maintain Clients
Ever since I published my blog post about email marketing, I’ve been receiving a lot of questions about email data metrics. For instance, “How do I know I’m doing well with email?” Or, “What kinds of numbers should I track?” To make everyone’s life easier, today I’m going to give you the answers to these questions and more… Click to read more
3. 7 of the Best Organization Apps Perfect for Your Coaching Program
Ted here, and today I’m going to tell you one of my best-kept secrets that helps me run a truly lifestyle-friendly business: good organization apps. Building a multi-million-dollar empire isn’t easy. It was incredibly exhausting for me, especially in the beginning, and I made a lot of mistakes along the way. However, over time, I realized I couldn’t do it alone — I needed an awesome team and great tools. That’s when I started to use the apps that I’ve listed… Click to read more
4. 7 Successful Marketing Campaign Tips To End The Year
The year-end season is right around the corner — and it’s the perfect opportunity for you to launch a marketing campaign! However, to stand out from the competition, your campaign needs to resonate with your dream clients and your current ones. What you need is a creative marketing campaign that adds value to your consumers. With the 7 tips below, you’ll be able to generate ideas and create your own successful marketing campaign that will work perfectly with your business… Click to read more
5. 7 Holiday Values That Will Set You Apart
While holiday values can make your year-end marketing more relevant and interesting, even then the market is pretty saturated. Nowadays, everyone has a holiday campaign. However, if your business has unique holiday values, you can create more impact on your clients. Check out these unusual holiday values that will set you apart. Apply them to your own marketing campaign so you can stand out from the competition! Click to read more
What marketing strategies have you tried this week? Let us know in the comments below.