Don’t Miss These Posts On Ted McGrath…
1. Finding A Purpose In Life & Holding On To Your Dream
Finding a purpose in life doesn’t come easily for everyone. Though many people want to have a meaningful life, a lot of times, they find themselves off-track. They’re not living their true purpose. Or sometimes, they’re living their purpose but they’re not aligned with it. Let me share with you how one encounter reconnected me to my dreams and life purpose… Click to read more
2. How To Be A Great Speaker | 5 Versions Of The Superstar Speaker To Transform You Into A Star
One of the most common questions people ask me is how to be a great speaker. A powerful presentation doesn’t rely on the excellence of your content or structure. If you want to develop great public speaking skills, you need to be able to communicate in an inspiring way. Communication is more than someone talking and someone else listening. The set up mustn’t be completely formal but as if a friend is making conversation with another. It’s about you making a connection with your audience… Click to read more
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