15 Steps To Effective Video Content Creation

Ted McGrath here, and today I’ll be sharing with you 15 effective steps to video content creation and boost your sales video fast. By the end of this, you’ll learn how to overcome your fear of shooting video content and understand how to create and use a compelling one to sell your program.
Video Content Creation Steps | The Ultimate Blueprint
Perhaps you’re thinking, “Oh my god, I don’t know how to do video content creation. I’ve never even been in front of a camera!”
Let me tell you: I shoot a lot of my videos casually. In fact, a lot of the time I’m just in my apartment or the hotel. I sit in front of my laptop and talk directly to the camera.
Whatever reservations you have about getting in front of the camera to share a message with the world and enroll clients, you need to put them aside. You need to do this.
If you’re new to it, it’s okay. At some point, you will get used to it as long. Simply practice and make it a consistent part of your marketing strategies.
Now, how do you create an amazing video content creation strategy? Here are the steps:
Step 1: Acknowledge
To understand how this works, you need to know the sales funnel sequence.
So you have the opt-in page. People sign up for their email then receive a gift. However, they also splash through a page, which is your sales page. This is where you will place your video.
At this point, video content creation helps you in conversion. By placing your video on your sales page, potential clients can watch a video or read the text to get to know your offer.
What should the video contain? It should be an acknowledgment that they just downloaded a free gift. As your sales page doesn’t actually contain the gift — instead it contains a new offer — you need to tell them this. Explain the gift goes straight to their inbox.
If you don’t acknowledge they just downloaded a gift, and that it’s on its way to their inbox, they will be confused. They will question why they’re seeing your video and why they’re getting an offer when all they probably want is your gift.
So here’s my tip. You can say something like this: “Hey, it’s Ted McGrath, and congratulations! Your presentation formula is on its way to your inbox right now. It will be there in about 5 minutes. But before you go get the gift, I want to assure you that you have everything you need to start creating presentations. However, if you’re like most of my clients and my subscribers who are serious about getting their presentation out to the world, then you also need this.”
That’s how you introduce the offer. You transition from the acknowledgment of the free gift to the paid offer.
Step 2: Introduce the New Offer
The second step in video content creation is to link the free and paid offer seamlessly. The goal here is to make them realize they need your paid offer.
Here’s a way to make that link: After you’ve made your acknowledgment, you can say, “Congratulations, your x, y, z formula is on its way to your inbox. It will be there shortly. Before you go there, I have something really special for you.”
See that? Saying “I have something special for you” keeps them hooked.
Now you have their attention, the next objective is to emphasize the importance of your offer. You can then say, “However, my clients who are really serious about their presentations know they absolutely need this [the new offer]. With this, they will absolutely know how to get their presentations in front of more people. If you’re in that place and you know you want to get your presentations in front of people, right now I have a special offer for you. It’s only here on this page.”
Then you go all-in with introducing the offer: “I want you to take advantage of it today because I don’t know how much longer I’m going to make this offer available. I want you to get in on the action while you can.”
Step 3: Build Your Credibility
One of my essential tips for creating video content is making sure you’re credible. After all, they don’t know who you are! When you have no idea about the person talking to you, and they sell you something, there’s a high chance you won’t buy it.
When it comes to video content creation, you can build trust with the credibility drop.
You can say, “Hey, I’ve been where you are. When I started off, I was in this place where I was getting in front of a few people a week. Then I went on to create and follow this formula, and I was able to have 10,400 people opt-in to my emails every single month.”
Don’t confuse this with the story, which I will discuss more later. Remember, you’re just making a short video for your offer. It’s about 5 to 7 minutes tops. They’re only making a $17, $27, or $37 purchase.
Step 4: Talk About the Features of the Program
After you’ve completed steps 1 to 3, the next step is to lead them into your program.
To do that, you need to introduce the features of the program. If somebody doesn’t know how they’re going to consume something, then they’ll wonder how they’re going to get the benefits.
Here’s an example: “You’re probably wondering how you’re going to be able to get in front of more people, get more eyeballs on your presentations, and eventually get more clients. I’ve created a special deep-dive video training of some of my best stuff with three steps to do x, y, z.”
I call this video content creation strategy “Creating the container.” They know what they will get and how they’re going to consume or use the offer.
Step 5: Share the Big Three Benefits (Or Steps)
Use the video to show the essential three steps to accomplishing something. You can also use it to display the three biggest benefits of signing up for your offer.
For example, when they sign up for my deep-dive video training, they are going to learn these three steps: Step one is the Book Stages Locally and Nationally formula. Step two is the Presentation formula, which is how to create great presentations. Step three is the Sale system, which is my three sales philosophies on how to get better at selling. Altogether, I call them the Book More Stages blueprint training.
After you’ve introduced these steps, you have to describe each in more specific detail. Let’s use the first formula or module as an example.
In your video content creation, you can say, “You’re probably wondering how I got on local stages. Well, I teach you inside step number one. You’re probably wondering how I got booked on national stages. I teach you that inside step one too. You’re probably wondering how you’re going to meet these speakers and develop relationships with them so you can actually get on their stages. It’s all in module one, where I’ll In show you how to develop these relationship more deeply.”
What you’re actually doing is describing the benefits by presenting them as steps.
Explaining the benefits will make up the bulk of the video, so take your time in this part.
Step 6: Establish the Value With the Price Contrast
It may take some time, but once you’ve mastered steps 1 to 5 in video content creation, you can use the same formula over and over and still get fantastic results.
This is especially true when you’re just making low-tier offers. Your sales videos don’t have to be perfect. They can follow this exact same sequence with just a little modification, which I’ll tell you about in a bit.
Tip number 6 on how to create video content is to make a price contrast that establishes value.
Here’s a script you can modify: “My deep-dive training program is 60 minutes of quality content you’re going to access today. But just one of these steps is easily worth $197.
“Just think if you were able to get booked at one stage. Could you get on that stage, potentially meet a client, or make an offer worth $197? The answer is yes.
“Clearly, the first module can already help you earn the income of your dreams. How much more would it be worth if you’ve also completed steps 2 and 3?
“In my mind, this program is worth thousands, if not hundreds of thousands, of dollars just to learn this.”
What did I do? I’m establishing value and price contrast. Your clients will think, “Wow, this is worth thousands of dollars.” But, of course, they’re not going to pay the exact price. Instead, you’re giving them a special price.
You can say, “I’ll tell you why I’m going to give you the special price. This is more than a business. This is a mission and a passion. Rather than asking you to invest $200 today in this program, I’m going to give you this for a really special price of only $47.
“We’re new. We’re developing a relationship together. Maybe you’ve never heard of me before. I want to give you the best possible value so you can get on your journey and you get booked on stages, and you can start rocking this thing.
“I want you to click the button down below right now and get enrolled for only $47.”
The price contrast is the drop from thousands of dollars to $200 and then $47.
Step 7: Mention the Price
More than the price contrast, I want you to focus on the value. You need to know your worth. Otherwise, it will be difficult for your clients to trust your program.
In the previous video content creation tip, you learned about price contrast. Step number 7 is to quantify the value of the program. Put a price tag on it.
You can say, “The entire program costs $200, but you’re getting it for only $47.”
Step 8: Lead them to the First Call to Action
A call to action is telling your clients exactly what to do to take advantage of the special price of your offer.
The simpler the instruction, the better, so I just usually say, “Click the link below and get registered for $47 today.”
Don’t put too much pressure on yourself when making the sales video and the call to action. Your sales page will also have text, and since you’re making a low-tier offer, it doesn’t have to be perfect — although it should be good. Use the video to complement the long sales copy.
In some cases, one call to action is enough, but I usually do more.
Step 9: Tell Your Brand Story
In step 3 of video content creation, I talked about credibility drop. At this point, you need to further grow it with a Brand Story.
Some of my subscribers already know me before they opt-in. A number don’t. Even if I have dropped my credibility early in the video, they still don’t have any idea who I am.
To fix this, I tell my Brand Story after the first call to action.
I say, “Hey, go ahead. Take action on this program right now. If you’re sitting there wondering if this is legit or the real deal, then let me tell you. For years and years, all I ever wanted to do was to share my gift and get out and help people.
“When I was a kid and my parents got divorced at six years old, I made the decision I just wasn’t good enough. When I went into the professional world, I started in the insurance business. At 21 years old, I cracked six figures, but it wasn’t about the money for me. It was about me really getting the approval of my boss.
“The night I cracked six figures, I almost died because of my actions. I wanted to go find meaning in my life, and I thought if I got promoted, and I made partner with that company, my whole life would change.
“Ultimately, I made partner, and I got promoted. I became one of the top partners in the company, but my life didn’t change. I still wasn’t fulfilled.
“Then, one day I decided I was going to be a coach and speaker. I was going to get my message out to the world.
“From then on, I started to have hope. I got on my first stage ever, and it changed my life.”
Through this dialogue, I use my story to gain credibility. Don’t make your story very long, though. Remember, your sales video is only about 7 minutes. Usually, I keep my story to about a minute. Focus on the most essential parts, the moments that drove the biggest transformations in your life.
Step 10: Be Vulnerable
One of the key aspects of video content creation and a brand story is the vulnerability.
What does that mean? Don’t be afraid to tell your potential clients about your problems or issues because it’s where you can add your solutions.
In my story, I am able to make myself vulnerable. I tell them about my parents’ divorce and my personal issues. I share with them my call to journey and my Pit.
The nice thing about sharing my personal story, especially my Pit, when doing video content creation is even if they don’t buy, they’re starting to get to know me. This could be the thing that inspires them to buy later.
The Pit also leads people to the search. Everybody’s story has one. It’s when people try to look for something that makes them feel fulfilled.
If there’s one thing I don’t want you to forget when using the vulnerability in the sales video, you still need to produce results and relate them to the product they’re buying.
When you create a great story, there’s always a message at the end, and the message at the end is the result you got from it.
I got on that stage, and it changed my life. I really realized I could be a speaker. That’s the result. Then I went on, and I built up a business and did seminars. I made six figures in my first seminar and then seven figures in my business, and then I built a multi-million-dollar company.
I’m serving people all over the world. Then I get more results. More credibility, right? That’s it.
To learn more about the exact flow of how to transition from your Brand Story to result and selling, sign up for my Message to Millions program.
Step 11: Provide a Money-Back Guarantee
Providing a money-back guarantee benefits your sales video in two ways. One, it shows how confident you are in what you’re offering. Second, it further boosts your credibility.
How do you say it? You can modify this: “I hope you enjoyed what I just shared with you because getting on the stage meant a lot to me. I know it may be a big decision for some of you, but here’s the thing: I guarantee it. So try it out.
“If you try out this program and you don’t like it, you get 30 days to return it. You’ll get the full refund – no questions asked.
“There’s no risk for you today. I’m just so confident that I want to build this relationship with you. I want to give you something of great value today. So you should invest today.”
Step 12: Provide Another Call to Offer
If you recall, I always provide more than one call to action in my video content creation or my sales copies.
After you’ve given your money-back guarantee, you need to provide another call to action. This way, the people who are on the fence can finally do something and pay for your offer.
Step 13: Share a Case Story
It’s still possible for people not to take your offer after a money-back guarantee, so you need to include another element for your credibility. It’s a case story.
A case story is a story of a client. You can share this instead of your Brand Story. It still works. However, I prefer having my personal story and a case story.
I say something like this: “You heard my story, and you’re probably wondering, who else has gotten results with this? Well, let me share the story of one of my clients.”
If you need some inspiration, just check out my favorite success story here.
Step 14: Make Your Third Call to Action
We’re on the last stretch of our video content creation formula. At this point, you’re ready to make your last call to action.
What I usually say is this: “This is worth it for Tyler. It’s worth it for Renee. It’s worth it for so many of my clients. I don’t know if this is going to work for you. I can’t guarantee it. The only thing I guarantee is the program.”
Then you can get to your call to action. If you want, you can even include your previous guarantees to give it more weight.
“Try it out. If you don’t love it, then you’ll get your money back, but you have no risk right now. I know it worked, and I’d love this to work for you, so click the button below and get enrolled. I hope you become one of my next success stories.”
Step 15: Emphasize the Scarcity or Urgency
A lot of people like to wait when they make a buying decision. You don’t want that. The longer they wait, the lesser the chance they’re going to sign up.
If you’ve done the last 13 steps on video content creation right, then your subscribers should understand what you’re offering and see its value. They should not be taking a lot of time to buy.
Here’s my script on how to motivate them: “This is a special offer, and it’s going to be for a limited time. You can only get it on this on this page. I don’t know how much longer I’m going to keep this up and give you this offer, but I can tell you it’s for a very limited time.”
For my clients, we set up our technology the best we can so they won’t see this offer again. We normally cookie them to the link, so it really will be their one chance.
Try This
I want you to do your homework on this. I want you to sketch out your offer, and I want you to write bullet points on it. Have a completed offer with bullet points.
Then get your phone, put it on a tripod, and record yourself saying them. Don’t worry if you need to glance often. You should repeat the same script at least three times so you get the hang of it. Overall, the most important thing is you will become more comfortable with creating video content. Remember, you can always refer back to this article and modify my scripts to fit your program and objective.
I can’t wait for you to rock this strategy because it’s one of the most effective ways to convert your leads into clients.
What do you think of these video content creation tips? Share your thoughts in the comments section below.
Up Next: 10 Basic Content Creation Tools That Will Help You Get Started