5 Kinds Of Sales Videos That Sell

I’ve talked about the importance of sales videos and using them to market your programs. After all, video content is always engaging and is a perfect complement to texts. Many studies have also shown marketing sales videos provide high conversion rate. Sales experts couldn’t agree more. With all this in mind, today I want to walk you through series of video content for your website or Facebook ads.
5 Types of Sales Videos to Wow Your Clients
1. Module Sales Videos
Usually, everything begins with tiered programs, which means you have different pricing strategies. This is because not everyone’s ready to pay hundreds of dollars for a good program.
So, you create your $37 product. Now, let’s say you’re in front of the camera, and it’s time to actually deliver the content of the product. How are you going to do it?
While what I’m about to tell you is not a hard rule, it worked for me and my clients. If I’m featuring a $37 product, I make three modules and each of these will have a single piece of video content. This means if I sell my program at $97, I will have three modules with two to three sales videos in each one.
Either way, you’re creating videos for your modules and in each video, you’re going to teach something.
Although most of us can make sales videos, not all can sell. They end up talking on and on without any clear direction, so clients end up saying, “What is he trying to talk about? What is going on?”
To remedy this, I love having a framework and I have created an effective one for video content creation. You can learn more about it in my Message to Millions program.
There’s one thing I can tell you now: you need to have an introduction. Tell the viewer what you’re here to teach. Be very clear on what it is you’re talking about, so the video actually has some direction to it.
2. Problem-Solving Sales Videos
You can also make problem-solving sales videos. These are videos which delve deeper into the issues your clients can be facing right now.
If you’ve been reading my posts and watching my YouTube videos, then you’ll realize I do this most of the time. I talk a lot about the problem I am going to address through my program.
You can already acknowledge the problem in the introduction of the sales videos. By doing so, you encourage clients to say, “Oh yeah, okay, I need to learn this. I’ve faced this problem before.” By that point, they’re almost ready to get into the content.
3. Personal Story Sales Videos
Another kind of sales video you can make is the story. A motivational video’s purpose is to improve your credibility.
There are different ways to tell your story, and I use my own as well as those of my clients. Both have their respective goals.
Sharing my story helps me relate to the struggles of my clients. It makes them say, “This person understands what I’m going through. If he succeeded in doing something about it, then I can too.” Now, you can form a bond or a relationship with the client. It’s easier for you to get them trust your program.
In my lessons and programs, I talk about bringing in 10,400 new leads every single month. That’s a result. That’s a little bit of a story.
I also talked about stories of when I first began speaking years ago. I explained that I wish I had this model when I was starting out. Throughout my modules and videos, I drop little stories about my life. It can be a long-term success and money-back guarantee.
4. Social Proofing Sales Videos
In some of my sales training videos, I talked about one of my clients in the health industry and how she got her first product sales of $17. She later earned more. This story is demonstrative of the fact how people grow through my coaching.
You, too, can tell the story of your clients for social proofing. It’s normal to meet a lot of ice-cold prospects during your seminars, whether online or onstage. They always go, “What’s in it for me?” or “Who else has done it?” Stories of your clients answer these questions.
These little stories also give you a bit of variety in terms of perspective. I am an expert in coaching so this client who is in the health industry may connect more to prospects who are also into health.
This video production doesn’t have to be very long. but they need to work toward a purpose. It shouldn’t just be a sales video, but motivational videos showing your prospects they can get results if they enroll and do your program.
5. Instructional Sales Videos
You can also make training videos whose main job is to teach. Here’s the question: how many points shall you cover?
Again, there is no exact rule. Selling is not hard science. Still, I suggest covering between three and seven points. Anything below and you’re barely scratching the surface. More than seven and the lessons become more difficult to understand. Training is an important way to reach out to the clients.
The teaching points are probably 70 to 80 percent of the video. Everything else is introduction or story. You can also talk about the problem.
Final Points
When making sales videos, never forget to include a call to action. You’ll notice in my videos, I go, “Click the link below to check out this visual” or “Click the link to download the exercise.” It assigns the viewer an action to take and helps them follow along.
You need to be very specific with your call to action. Don’t just say, “Click here” unless there’s some graphic telling your prospects where to click. For example, if you want them to download a worksheet, then specifically say, “Download the worksheet on this page [or below].”
One of the common questions I get is how many calls to action to make. For me, one is never enough. You have to keep on doing it in different parts of the sales videos, so you don’t miss any chance of conversion.
Another point I want to leave you with is to give your audience some type of homework to do. Why? Because you want them to be taking actions. You want them to be applying what it is you’re giving to them.
Making sales videos which sell takes a lot of training. A lot of you are going to be shy about, it but once you mastered the techniques and developed your own personality, you can replicate the structure over and over. Then, there’s no limit to the number of videos you can make. You can try any type of sales video you think will give you a good result.
Check out this video and learn how to turn your viewers into buyers:
How do you make your sales videos? How can my suggestions help? Let me know in the comments section below.
Up Next: 10 Must-Have Online Presentation Tools so You Can Own the Stage
Editor’s Note: This post was originally published in September 2017 and has been updated for quality and relevancy.