5 Effective Persuasion Techniques To Boost Sales

I’m here to teach you five persuasion techniques. With these, you’ll triple the number of clients you enroll. Best of all, your persuasion skills in sales will become more natural as you practice.
Persuasion Techniques in Sales You Should Master
1. Pursue Imagination and Vision
Here is one of my important persuasion techniques. We have an incredible ability to use our imagination and vision to create the future. Loss, defeat, and pain cause many people to succumb to mediocrity in their lives and in their business. I know I could create the future with my imagination and my action. Why then would I ever hesitate to enroll a client?
When it comes to learning this persuasive technique, here’s the key: your imagination isn’t enough. You need to appeal to and activate the imagination of your client so you can create the future together.
I’ve learned through my encounters in coaching most people lack vision and faith. I’d say it’s the part of faith that is dependent on one’s knowledge they can create their own future.
Let’s say I’m certain I can create my own future through the power of imagination. Then I won’t have to rely on blind faith. I know I can do it and I will be powerful enough to step into action.
I’m still shocked at the number of people who think of money as a roadblock. Are we dealing with a financial roadblock or the lack of imagination? Is the client somehow unable to create their own future in their mind?
The Create Question
An ultimate guide coming your way! 7 steps for you to earn your clients’ trust: https://t.co/s1zxCOXXCD
— Ted McGrath (@ted_mcgrath) July 16, 2017
Help your clients tap into their imagination and see the future. I have a good question you can use in a networking meeting or an enrollment conversation. It goes like this: “If you could create the future any way you want it, what would the next year look like?”
It’s a powerful question! Take it one step further and try out another question. Ask them, “Let’s say you can create the future any way you want it. What would the next year of your business or personal life look like?”
When I begin to think about creating the future any way I want, I immediately remove my limitations. All my concerns start to fall away.
2. Make Someone’s Number One Goal Your Primary Enrollment Technique
Have you ever tried to enroll a client in your product or program? Clients don’t enroll in products or programs. They enroll in their wants and desires. You have to make an emotional appeal.
One of the most powerful persuasive selling skills is knowing how to create a vision. It allows you to paint a picture of a person but that person’s number one goal is the concrete that cements the idea and creates a reality. To most people, their vision isn’t attainable unless it has some concrete steps and targets.
Ask your clients two questions at a networking meeting or an enrollment conversation. First, “What’s the most important focus for you this year?” And second, “What would you like to see happen with it at the end of the year?”
The person who asks, “What’s your most important goal?” at a networking event is usually the person who feels uncomfortable. People don’t like goals! They feel pressured by them. Most people don’t even set goals or they set ones they don’t stick to.
Why don’t people set goals or stick to them? It’s because they don’t have a clear vision of their future. If someone doesn’t have a vision of the future, then they’ll never have a meaningful goal.
Set the Vision and Goals | Plant the Idea
I’ll give you an example of a vision: “I want to influence mankind with positive messages, stories, and tools. I’ll do this by bringing together celebrities and experts because they are the two most influential creators on the planet.”
Then here’s an example of a goal: “In the next 12 months, I’m going to create a group of ten A-list celebrities. These are the ones who want to impact humanity with their life story, lessons, and message. Why? Because I want to have high-powered relationships, and through it, we can collaborate to get our visions and goals realized in the world.”
Notice how my goal is tangible and specific. If you were trying to enroll me, this would hit my hot buttons because the goal is actionable and tangible if you help me meet it. Let’s say you help me figure out my top three goals and show me how to execute them. It would be easy to enroll me.
Most persuasion techniques gear toward controlling people’s attitudes. Instead, they should free individuals based on the power of their own choice and vision.
3. Allow Free Choice and Free Will to Lead the Enrollment
Allow an individual to imagine what they want and have them tell you their most important goal. Then they will have the clarity to make their own choices. These choices will be aligned with what they want. This is because you asked questions that gave them clarity on what they want.
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What if an individual never gets clear on what they want?
Well, they would never be able to choose the next step. You will always have to tell them what to do, and sooner or later, the path will lead to complete failure.
An unassertive person who always does what someone else directs will lose control. The more powerful person will always control the weaker person. Someone isn’t weak because they don’t know what they want. They’re weak if they don’t take the time to figure out what they want.
Unclear people become weak in the world, and their lives are the effect of other people’s decisions for them. Some influences are good, but when your client doesn’t own himself, no program you offer will succeed.
The Power of Choice
A choice is one of the greatest abilities a human being has. Without these persuasion techniques, our clients will never know what they want. By “persuasion,” I mean persuasion and influence through questioning plus the power of one’s own choice.
Instead, they’ll be under the control of people and forces who don’t have their best interests in mind.
The greatest service you can do for others is to ask questions and encourage them. Encourage their vision, goal, and choice. Without choice, a person doesn’t have freedom. Without freedom, why would someone enroll in your programs?
Now is your time to bring freedom to the world. It’s what MLK, Gandhi, and Mother Teresa preached in their own words. Now is the time to let your clients speak up.
The new celebrity in the world today is the client who has the opportunity to imagine, create, and act. What are you going to do about it? The future and integrity of sales depend on it.
4. Personal Social Credibility Trumps Income, Strategic Alliances, and Recognition
To be effective in applying these persuasion techniques, you need social credibility. This principle, also known as social proof, is often misused. So many people use others’ names to tell lies and flat-out misrepresent them.
Using the right social credibility has a huge impact. How about starting with vulnerability? Have you ever tried to be vulnerable with your client? One way you can do this is by telling them about your life story in the most real way. This will show your vulnerabilities and let them know you are human.
I’m not talking about downplaying your greatness or your gifts. I hope you’re not shrinking because you feel like a giant in the company of others. I’m talking about sharing yourself and your experiences with others.
I talk about my feelings of unworthiness and being unlovable. On the flip side, I share my dreams, my visions, and my aspirations.
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Share Your Life Story
The best social credibility comes from your life story and your feelings. Add to those your greatness and your dreams. Combined, it creates a healthy balance of charisma, comfort, and possibility.
When we share ourselves with others, we also draw them to share themselves with us. Even the bystander who doesn’t share right away has the deepest desire to do so, but they feel unsafe. So make people feel safe, and they’ll open themselves up to you. This is what a relationship is. People invest in one another and in relationships.
Clients will pay more for a person they trust and know rather than to a smooth talker who screams out all the time how successful he is. Once you share yourself with another, only then can you talk about your connections. This can also include your monetary success (if it’s a part of your product) or even the things you’ve gotten recognition for.
If you lead in with these, you come off as egocentric, but if you end with these after you’ve shared yourself, you command respect.
Feel free to talk about your results as much as you want after you have shared yourself. This will be handy when it comes down to the money and you asking for the check. If you open up yourself, your client will also be open about their financial status.
5. Be Transparent with Price
I’ve begun to shift my selling and marketing strategy. Before, I used to say, “Let me tell you what the retail price is. And then let me tell you the special pricing for today.” While there is truth to what the retail price would be, it’s easier to highlight the value of a program.
So now I use a new spiel: “My program is worth at least x amount, so that’s what its price should be, but we are connecting today for the first time, so I’m going to give you a special price with bonuses to join my community.”
Then I do give my clients special pricing. What makes it special is it’s less than the true value of the program. What makes the bonuses special is they are free. They get the bonuses for free when they enroll. This works for me because I can stand by my offer and feel very transparent with my client.
Though this is one of the effective persuasion techniques, pricing is tough to navigate sometimes. There are occasions when I will give more special offers to certain groups or to first-time action takers. I do it to inspire them to join a program. It’s a good thing because we want to reward the early adopters and we want people to take action.
This is how I become more aligned with my marketing and pricing. It’s never a perfect system because we’re always learning, but we can do our best to establish value and pricing in a way where everyone wins.
Watch this video for 5 effective persuasion techniques to help you enroll more clients and boost your sales:
I hope these sales persuasion techniques serve you and inspire you. With these, you can be a better salesperson and inspiration. Always remember: sales and persuasion are about inspiring people. Appeal to them to take action on their own vision and dreams — not yours.
How can these persuasion techniques improve your client enrollment? Let me know your thoughts in the comments section below!
Up Next: Convert Ice Cold Prospects With My 4S System
Editor’s Note: This post was originally published on July 31, 2017, and has been updated for quality and relevancy.