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Personal Growth Plan | How to Create One

Do you have a personal growth plan? If not, it’s time to create one for yourself! Life is too short to not know where you’re going. Wouldn’t you feel more motivated and driven knowing you have goals to achieve? Check out these personal growth plan ideas to help you live a more fulfilling life!

How to Create A Personal Growth Plan

Why make a personal growth plan | Personal Growth Plan | How to Create One

What is a personal growth plan?

Just like a business plan, a personal growth plan is a plan laid out for you to know what to do in life. With a plan, you’re not just thinking about it, you’re actually writing it down and creating a structured plan to follow.

Truth is, when you put your dreams on paper, it feels more achievable.

When making a personal development plan, the focus is on you. What are the things that are important to you? What are the things you want to achieve in life?

Success doesn’t happen overnight and most of the time, success comes with major planning. So…plan away! How do you plan to achieve your goals? When do you want to achieve them? These are just some of the things you need to consider and think about.

What is the purpose of a personal development plan?

You’re going on a vacation, what’s the first thing you do? You’d make a plan, right?

You need to prepare ahead of time for taking a leave from work, booking your airplane tickets, booking for accommodations, and even planning your itinerary once you arrive at your destination.

While there are times when spontaneity is awesome, nothing compares to having a plan in place. Let’s go back to the traveling example.

Would you really want to spend time and effort thinking where you’re going to next or where you’re going to eat dinner? If you had already planned these details out ahead of time, then you’d have a hassle-free and stress-free trip.

It’s the same concept with your life. Having a personal growth plan gives you a direction to head to. You don’t have to wonder every day about what you’re going to do or what you need to do. If you have a personal development plan locked down, it will more likely compel you to stick to it.

Furthermore, personal growth plans are also helpful in preparing you for unexpected challenges and surprises that may come your way. Planning ahead can ready you for failures and rejections that you may face. In turn, you will be able to handle those situations with positivity.

Overall, such life plans give you better control of your life, which leads you to make better decisions as well.

Your Personal Growth Plan Template

Are you ready to create your personal growth plan? It will be easier if you follow a template to make sure you jot down every detail needed. Here are the steps to take:

  1. Set goals — The first step is to define and set your goals. Write every single goal you want to achieve whether it’s for your personal or professional life.
  2. Prioritize — The next step is to prioritize which of these goals you need to focus on first. You can’t take on all these goals at once, that’s counterproductive. Rank your goals and determine which one you’d want to focus on for now and for later.
  3. Set the time — Not all goals should be achieved immediately. There are long-term goals you can set for 5 to 10 years. While it’s best to set deadlines for your goals, you have to be specific and realistic when setting a time frame for goals.
  4. Know Your Strengths — Identify your key strengths, as this will help you achieve your goals more efficiently and effectively. At the same time, identify your weakness so you also take steps in improving them.
  5. New Skills — The goal of a personal growth plan is, well, to develop yourself. It’s not enough that you have a plan for achieving your goals, or that you know how to achieve them and when to achieve them. Along the way, you may also have to learn new things and new skills. Always give your brain the workout it needs. This will put you in tip top shape to achieve what you want to.
  6. Just Do It — Once you’re done writing everything down, take action and just do it! There’s no time to waste. If you can start right now, do so.
  7. Check Your Progress — There’s nothing more motivating, inspiring, and encouraging than to see yourself progressing with your plan. To monitor your progress, you can make a list of the things you have achieved and things you are still working on. To make it specific, you can also make a timeline and mark it as you go along.
  8. Find Support — Hey, no man is an island. And if you really want to progress in life, you will also need the help of others. Get support from your family and friends. You can also make a list of people who you think will help you progress with your plan. These people may not be with you all the time, but when it gets difficult, you can count on them for some encouragement.
  9. Reflect — As much as possible, spare a few minutes every day to reflect. What did you do that day? Did you do enough? What do you need to improve? Are there any realizations that struck you? List them all down.

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Do you know how to create S.M.A.R.T. goals? Check out how from Decision Skills:

Life shouldn’t be all complicated, and you shouldn’t make it so. Life can be a very fulfilling experience for everyone, but you have to do your part. Use your personal growth plan to assess what’s really important to you and what will make you happy. As you identify your areas of personal growth and create your individual development plan, be sure to commit to it. At the end of the day, isn’t that what we all really want? To be happy, fulfilled, and content!

Are you on the path to self-improvement? Check out these 7 Self-Improvement Habits That Can Change Your Life For The Better!

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