How to Make a Successful High-End Offer | Marketing To Millions

One of the things I’ve done well is help my clients understand how to make a high-end offer from the stage. Today, that is what I also want to teach you. I want to share with you how you can eliminate the tension in making a sale, as well as how you can make your own presentations engaging and lively. These are the factors that will help you succeed in making high-end offers at your live events.
Achieving Consistent Success in a High-End Offer
The Psychology of High-End Offers
Oftentimes, being an expert speaker also means having sales as part of your job. Now, I want to talk to you about the high-end offer. I know there are instances when people who make offers from the stage have doubts about this. They worry about raising their pricing and failing when they make a high-end offer from the stage.
I’ve personally experienced both these things. Something I have observed is this: People really want the high-end offer. In fact, there is a psychology that’s involved when it comes to this part of the sales process.
People actually want the best. When people are in a seminar room, they are being their best self. And they are surrounded by others who are also being their best self. This attitude cultivates inspiration, excitement, determination, and a connection with everyone else.
It is your job as a speaker to call them forward to be in this position. What you will see in a seminar is when you make a high-end offer, people step up because they actually want it. That means one of the barriers you need to break through first is the notion you might have that people don’t want the high-end offer. They do! You also need to leave behind the mentality of not being valuable enough or having a program that’s not valuable enough to have a high price.
Stand In Your Value
How to get paid what you’re worth:
— Ted McGrath (@ted_mcgrath) September 20, 2017
Often, what I’ve seen from people, even my clients, is that the way they start something as a speaker is the way they will continue. People have different perspectives on what “high-end” is. Those who stand in their own value by pricing the right amount for their programs are the ones who really elevate their seminar business.
One of my clients, Alex Moscow, was able to make around $230,000 in sales on one weekend and with nine people in the room. He was able to accomplish this because he had already established in his mind that he has value. This shows that first you really need to value yourself and the program you’re offering. Second, you need to make sure that you get high-quality people for your seminars. These two things will enable you to capitalize on the interest of your clients and make your high-end offer.
Pricing Your Offer
Not everyone might be able to afford it, but by raising your value, you’re actually raising the standard, right? When you raise the standard in the room, people step up to be their best selves and make bigger decisions.
If you don’t raise the standard and your value, then it’s going to feel like you’re doing a seminar where you’re not challenging people in the room. To be quite frank, in that situation, you’re making an offer that they won’t really value because it’s cheap — and people can sense that.
Of course, you have to assess as well if your price is right. Only you can determine that. Here’s my take on it: If you’re not stretching yourself with the way you’re pricing your offer, then you’re not challenging yourself. You probably need to raise your pricing.
You would want to stretch yourself in terms of pricing to avoid having the mindset that what you have to offer isn’t worth the price. A lot of times people determine the price of the program by its structure. But this is a mistake that you should avoid. Structure is important. The amount of time you put in your work to get results is important. However, those shouldn’t be your focus when it comes to pricing.
Instead, you should focus on the outcome that the client is going to get when they work with you.
Focus On The Outcome
You’ve heard me say this before — the outcome is not just what people are going to get in terms of benefits. Having results are good, but you also have to ask yourself, what kind of person will your clients become after your program?
People in this business have a hard time making high-end offers because they don’t place emphasis on this. They only focus on what their clients are going to get as a result of joining their program.
For instance, if somebody joins Message to Millions, they’re going to get more clients. They’re going to build a lifestyle-friendly business. Plus, they’re going to become more confident in their message. These are all the things that people are going to get.
But ultimately, if somebody joins Message to Millions, they are going to become a new celebrity. The kind of celebrity who has a life story to tell, and an authentic message to share. As they share their message, they will become more inspired themselves. They will also become the best version of themselves — confident and influential. They will be better role models.
When you start to focus on the quality of clients you will produce from your programs, it will become much easier to create an actual high-end offer.
Thinking Exercise
Now I have a little thinking exercise for you as a recap. Number one, I want you to ask yourself this question: “Did I price my program based on structure and time? Or did I price it based on the outcome that somebody’s going to get?” If you priced your program based on time and structure instead of the outcome, then you need to rethink it.
The second thing I want you to check is this: did you stretch yourself when you priced your program? It’s important for you to assess this. If you’re shrinking back instead of stretching yourself, then you need to raise your pricing.
The third thing to think about is, aside from the outcome, what kind of person is your client going to become after your program?
The fourth thing is, you need to bust the myth. Get rid of the idea that you have to start off slow and price your programs low just because you’re a rookie.
Bust The Rookie Myth
A lot of times I hear this reasoning from people: “I’m brand new, so I need to price my programs low. I’ll move up from there.” The danger with this is becoming fixed in the mindset of unworthiness or that low-value feeling.
People who reason this way never really end up increasing their pricing much. They never switch to the high-end offer. It’s because they become fixed on the low-quality type program that they have created. It isn’t necessarily low-quality in terms of the program itself, but rather in terms of pricing. The pricing of the program attracts low-quality people, instead of those whom you would want in your seminars.
You’ll attract low-quality people, and as a result, you’ll feel like you have low value, because nobody in the room is saying “yes” to your offer. It will seem as if you have to drag your audience to the stage just to get them to invest in your offer.
The worst thing you can do is force them. Then they will not be signing up to work with you out of their own free will. Forcing your audience doesn’t work.
Avoid Manipulating Techniques
Yes, I failed…and no, it didn’t stop me building a multi-million dollar business:
— Ted McGrath (@ted_mcgrath) September 9, 2017
Some people talk about using techniques such as the “Neuro-Linguistic Programming.” To me, this is not something people need to use. I just don’t think you need to use techniques that mess with people’s minds to get them to say “yes” to your offers.
You should be authentic. You can create emotional experiences for people, but you shouldn’t do anything that’s manipulative. I am not saying that NLP is manipulative. However, I know it’s a technique that a lot of people abuse and use in the wrong way. It really depends on whose hands the technique is in.
My point is, why do you need to use a technique when you can be yourself and be genuine? Why not create an experience by talking to people openly? Then you can share with them how much you want them to step up to be the best version of themselves. Then you can give them the opportunity to do it.
Avoid Overpricing
While I want you to price your programs in a way that reflects your value, I also don’t want you to overprice them. When you consider your pricing, and you think about if you have a high-end offer, assess if you will be able to deliver on your promise. Be fair and consider your limitations as well.
I want you to stretch yourself to become a more powerful person. As a result, you’re going to attract more high-quality people. When you nail this down, you are more likely to get better results. A high-quality person will get more value out of your program, and they’ll use it more effectively because they are driven.
I am already giving you all the reasons to raise your pricing. Remember that if you don’t package and value yourself properly, it will destroy the model. Moreover, it will have a domino effect — it will destroy the seminar room and eventually the sale. I don’t want you to go through that.
Eliminate The Tension: Invite A Panel
Now we are going to talk about how you can eliminate the tension that surfaces when you make your offer. You should always maintain a conversational approach. Structure your call to action or offer segment in such a way that it’s fun and engaging. One of the ways you can do this is by having a panel of clients up on the stage with you.
Some of you may be rookies who only have a few clients. That’s okay. You can have even just two of them with you. If you don’t have clients yet, get a couple of ones whom you can help in some way. Then have them come to your seminar and be on the panel.
In my opinion, there’s nothing that sells a high-end offer better than a group of people sharing their stories. I call these “case stories.” You can make use of these case stories as your testimonials. As you make your presentation, your panel can echo your point of view by sharing their own experiences with your programs. They can attest to everything you are saying. This tactic is more likely to persuade people to accept your offer.
Here’s the thing: When some people are about to make a decision about a program, they turn to others and ask them about their experience. This is a very important thing they are bound to ask your clients. You might as well stage it so that they hear from your best clients first.
I have seven people in my panel. You can have a minimum of three or five people, and they can be your ambassadors. They will be like your salespeople walking around, encouraging your audience and answering their questions.
Share Case Stories
If you feel tension surfacing whenever you are about to make your offer, I recommend that you don’t do it alone. Have a team of clients to help you. Just before I make my high-end offer and tell people what the investment is, I let them hear from the panel. You can introduce your panel by saying, “Hey (client’s name), why don’t you share with us the story of how this journey has changed your life?”
The cool thing is, people really appreciate this. I don’t have my client’s stories scripted — they just share from their heart. The panel can go for an hour to give time for each person to speak. Regardless, it’s one of the segments where your audience will be most engaged. This is because they can recognize themselves on your panel.
You are more likely to get people enrolled when you have a panel. With these case stories, you have more people representing your programs who are like lenses your audience can see themselves through.
Have the people on your panel tell their story and their journey. Stories are heartfelt; they are good; and people respond to them. Structure your offer segment this way to let the tension out of the room. Having a panel means having support, like a tag-team that will help you build up the offer.
Quick Exercise
Let’s have a quick exercise right now. Take a moment and write down the next live event or seminar you’re going to do. If you don’t have one planned, the first thing you should do is pick the date. The second thing is, make the seminar two to three days long. If you’re going to make a high-end offer, it should be at least two days.
Third, jot down who you’re going to have on your panel. If you don’t have clients yet, write down the names of the people who you think would make good panelists. Take a moment to do this, so you can start working on your next live event.
Set A Winning High-End Offer
Next, I will share with you how you can set up a high-end offer so that you can win. When I speak, I invite people to stand up and take an envelope if they are interested in a program. I tell them the price, then invite them to do this if they want to speak with a coach.
Giving your audience an opportunity to speak with a coach is actually really effective. Those who are interested and are serious about joining your program will want to speak with a coach. They want to address their questions and concerns before they eventually sign up for the program.
If you don’t have a team who can do sales for you in the back, you have another option. When you make the offer, give your audience a deadline to turn in their applications and deposit. It can be morning or noon the following day. It depends on you. Even so, offer them fast-action bonuses. You can give a special pricing or benefit that’s available only when they sign up for a program within the deadline given in the seminar.
This is a big decision for people to make, so sometimes they have to process it overnight. Some may turn in their applications right away, but there are others who will need time to think about it.
Because of how my business is growing exponentially, I am taking on a different role in the organization. For me, that means moving out of coaching more and more. With this in mind, for my fast-action bonus, I give people a chance to catch a coaching session with me when they sign up for programs.
Make Your Presentation Engaging
I talked about letting the tension out. Now we’re going to talk about how you can make your presentation entertaining and engaging. In one of my recent offer segments, I suddenly found myself boxed in a structure. It didn’t feel natural or authentic to me.
I caught myself and realized that I felt disconnected with the way I was teaching the segment right before the sale. My energy level dropped. One of the things that creates tension is when you feel disconnected from your audience. It’s easy to get so caught up in your inner turmoil that you forget about your audience.
Whenever you feel that you’re becoming disconnected, stop and reconnect yourself with your audience. Make eye contact with them and try to sense what they are feeling. One of the biggest challenges in making a sale is not being able to confront the audience.
This is really important. You want to be yourself. If you feel tension taking its toll on you, and you’re not having fun anymore, it means that you’ve focused on your inner turmoil. Instead of connecting with your audience and confronting them, you’re thinking too much. Further, when you turn your attention to your visual presentation instead of your audience, you’re not actually making a sale. All you’re doing is talking to a visual presentation.
Diffuse The Tension of The Sale
When I feel disengaged during my own seminar, I back up and make eye contact with my audience. Then I ask them a question just to shake off the tension. Or I might bring the panel into the discussion.
Sometimes I even acknowledge the elephant in the room and tell my audience that making a sale doesn’t have to be uncomfortable. I bring them back to my key message that making an offer is standing up for somebody. You stand up for somebody else’s transformation when they’re not ready to do it themselves yet.
Remind your audience that it’s not just about buying a program. The program is a means, but the offer you are making to them is about their dreams. It’s about their future and everything they want for their life. Instead of making them see it as a sale or offer, let them see your programs as an opportunity for them to gain something.
Notice what I do? I talk about the elephant in the room to diffuse the tension.
Play With The Tension
Here’s another thing I did. When I made the high-end offer, I actually asked people to get out of their chairs and grab an envelope if they are interested. I waited and allowed it to be silent.
Another thing you need to learn is how to play with the tension. By doing so, you can actually let the tension out. Waiting for the first person to stand is always nerve-wracking. It may take a couple of seconds before somebody stands up, but you have to allow the silence.
Let them feel the tension. Play with it, and be fully present in it. Allow the tension and the energy of the room to pull. Let somebody stand up to break it. Why should you have to do all the work? Stop talking, and let your audience break the tension.
You’ll see that when the first person rises, all of a sudden the tension will leave the room. Everyone will feel it, and they’ll see that you’ve got social proof.
The Second Call to Action
What happens if nobody stands? More tension ensues. I’ve never had this happen to me before, but I experienced it in one of my clients’ seminars. When nobody stood up at his first call to action, he acknowledged the elephant in the room. One of the best things a speaker can do is to acknowledge what everyone is feeling or thinking.
My client was new to sales at that time. When he made his high-end offer of $75,000 from the stage, nobody stood up for it. He made the second call to action by pointing out the tension in the room. Then he launched the spiel I taught him for the second call to action, which starts with, “Some of you right now…”
So he told his audience, “Some of you right now have a voice in your head telling you that you want this offer. But you’re not sure if you can afford it. Maybe you are just hesitant to be the first person to stand. Or there might be a voice in your head telling you that you shouldn’t do this.
But I want to encourage you to pay attention to the bigger voice. Don’t pay attention to your fear or hesitation talking. Stand up and make a decision for yourself. Stand for your transformation and your value today, because I’m standing right here for you now.” And boom! On his second call to action, three people stood up and availed his $75,000 program that day.
Make The Tension Fun
On one of my recent seminars, after my second call to action, I walked around and just looked at people. I asked them, “What are you thinking right now? I can tell there’s a voice in your head now that you’re thinking of something.” People in the room started laughing.
As people started laughing, the tension started lifting. Then, somebody actually told me what they were thinking about. Another person at the back of the room goes, “Well, I know that you and I have talked about this program before, Ted. And I’m thinking of doing it. So, should I stand up?” So I told her, “Yes, you should stand up.” And then she did.
Everyone in the audience heard what she voiced out and saw how she stood up for herself. More tension left the room. Then I looked at the next person and asked, “How about you?” Eventually, I told them that I’ll just keep on going until all of them stood up. And people started laughing again.
We made it funny. We played with the tension. I knew how to let tension work itself during the first call to action. Tension and silence were necessary to allow somebody make a decision. However, the second time around, laughter was the best way to help them take action.
The Third Call to Action
The third call to action takes an emotional spin. In one of my seminars, I told a very emotional and personal story about regrets. I was actually in tears, and people in the audience were crying too.
Afterwards, I said, “So anybody else here? This is your final chance. Don’t get to the end of your life and have regrets. Stand up.” Nobody stood up, and it was the first time I ever made a third call to action where nobody responded. At that point we already had about 80% of the people in that small room stand up. Half of them were already my clients, so there weren’t a lot of potential buyers.
By the time the third call to action came, we had done our job. The story I told was utilized to see if we could pick one or two more people up. It didn’t work, but it was okay.
Related: How To Make An Effective Call To Action From The Stage
The Value of Standing Up
If you are not comfortable with it, you don’t have to make people stand up for your offer. Me and my clients like doing it because we believe in standing for somebody’s transformation. Having people stand is a transformation itself, because it affirms that they are valuable enough to be considered for the program.
You can also have people fill in an application form. However, with this route, you don’t really know what’s going on in your audience’s mind. I personally like knowing what’s going on and seeing people stand. This tells me the position I am at in making a sale. I’ll know if people are ready to dive into my programs because I can see them standing up.
That’s my style, but I don’t force my audience to do anything. I allow them to make a choice for themselves, and that’s what makes our partnership work. What’s your style?
Run Your Seminars Creatively
Another thing I want to point out is that stories can make your presentation entertaining. I use stories to engage people and break the ice. You can also break the tension by voicing your thoughts out loud, even if it sounds ridiculous to you. There was even one time when I surprised my audience with a little scream to play with the energy of the room. I was feeling the tension at that time, so I broke it with a scream.
Through all these different choices, I play with the tension. I also tell all these different stories to play with the emotion. I’ve actually learned a lot of this from doing a one-man show of my life story. I’ve learned how to have fun with the audience, how to create laughter, and how to stir up tears. I can do all this because I have become more comfortable in front of crowds.
My question for you is, can you take something from the techniques I shared and create your own?
I hope these techniques on making a high-end offer will serve you. Take everything you can that will help you build your own authentic way of selling. Always stand in your value. Don’t let the tension of making an offer overwhelm you, and keep your audience connected to you.
Which of these techniques will you use to achieve consistent success when you make a high-end offer? Let me know in the comments section below!
Up Next: How To Sell from the Stage in 7 Steps