Superstar Speakers | How To Make Six Figures At Your Next Seminar

Today, I’ll share with you how to make six figures at your next seminar by doing three important things. A lot of my clients go on to earn six figures in their businesses after working with me. You may be wondering, how did they do that? A lot of times, people think this is a tall task, but it doesn’t have to be. So if you want to make a six-figure salary as a speaker, apply these three tips on your next live event!
How to Make Six Figures in Public Speaking | My Top 3 Tips
1. Get High-Quality Attendees
The first step on how to make six figures is this. To break it down for you, “high quality” means a couple of different things:
Right Price Point
Make sure you cover your overhead whenever you’re coming up with the pricing of your live event. Remember, your income won’t come from your ticket sales alone. There’s a higher earning potential on the upsells you’re going to make at the live event itself. Meaning, you don’t always have to price your tickets high unless it’s the only way for you to cover your costs.
By requiring your seminar attendees to pay for their ticket, you also filter out the committed ones. Making a payment means they’ll be investing their money. Their willingness to invest makes them more likely to be the high-quality people you want.
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Commitment is one of the characteristics of high-quality people. They show their commitment when they do everything they can to be a part of your live event. It includes willingly paying the price set before them.
Often, when you give away free tickets, you get more people who aren’t committed. They only come because they want to “check out” your event. I don’t know about you, but I don’t want those kinds of people in my seminars. The kind of energy they have affects the rest because their goals aren’t aligned.
One bad energetic spot in the room can ruin the live event. This is why it’s important to keep only those who have committed themselves to achieving results.
Investment is part of the commitment. High-quality people invest their money and time when they commit to your live event. They pay for their ticket. If they’re coming from long distances, they also pay for their travel, accommodation, and food. They’re willing to spend hours at your event and to travel for it.
The costs are a huge factor in determining if someone is high-quality. You can see this by how much investment they’re willing to make.
Right People
A lot of times, people think the answer to the question, “How to make six figures at my live event?” is through the price point. It’s not only about how much you’re charging. You also need to know who you’re targeting. Who’s the ideal person? One way you can get the right people is inviting them by means of a phone call.
In this digital age, people believe online marketing is the answer to fill their live events. If you’re launching your first event, you need offline marketing. Make phone calls, go to networking events, and speak on stages. These will get you the high-quality people you’re looking for. Moving forward, online marketing can support your efforts in mounting successful live events.
When I did my first seminar ever, I went to lots of networking and meetup groups. I connected with the head of each group and offered to speak on their stage. From there, I sold tickets to my live event. If I couldn’t sell tickets, I invited them to strategy sessions. In those sessions, I enrolled them to come to my live event.
There were often 20 to 30 people in the local networking events I went to, but I only focused on a few who were high-quality. To be honest, I find more of the right people at national networking events. The attendees there invest a lot to be a part of it.
Having high-quality people is a huge factor in learning how to make six figures at your event. Even only 10 of the right people in your room is better than 50 unqualified people.
2. Make High-End Offers
My second tip is to have two kinds of offers:
- One-on-one coaching
- Group coaching
A lot of speakers who make high revenue in their events wouldn’t have done so if they didn’t have a high-end offer. This is what I call the one-on-one coaching offer. My friend Bill Baren calls it the “Ferrari Offer.” The price point of your one-on-one coaching is up to you, but you must definitely have this kind of high-end offer. This makes speaking one of the high-paying careers out there.
You must also offer a group coaching program. For instance, you have 20 people in the room when you make your high-end offer priced at $25,000. Two of them take it, so now you have $50,000. What about the other 18 people? It’s when you make the lower-tier offer, which is the group coaching. You can then price lower, say, $8,000. At that price, if you get 7 people to sign up, you will make more than $100,000 at your event.
The combination of high-end and mid-tier offers is a good formula. Through this, you will gain the six-figure income you want for your live event. It’s not enough to offer only one of them–you need both.
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Use Program Packages
Now, you may be thinking because of the kind of business you have, no one will buy those types of packages. You have no way to learn how to make six figures.
I’m telling you, it’s all in your mind. You misjudge this strategy and your clients by thinking like that. You may have a notion because you’ve seen others do it without getting paid for it, but it doesn’t mean people won’t pay a lot for it.
There’s no price tag on the worth of your relationships, well-being, or health. I know someone who made a $75,000 offer for a package that was basically about self-care and self-love. It’s more of a soft-topic program. People thought there was no way somebody would buy it, yet 3 people said yes to the offer.
You can create your own high-end and mid-tier packages from hard and soft topics alike and you can succeed in offering and selling them on stage once you’ve practiced enough.
Read Also: 3 Essentials To Package, Structure, And Price Your Programs & Services
3. Inspire People to Take Action
The third thing you need to do is to close from the stage. If you know me, I use the word “close” as a kind of synonym for the word “inspire.” I don’t like the word “closing” because it’s like I’m blocking out people through the word’s meaning. It’s contrary to what I want. I want to invite people in, so I use the term “inspire somebody to take action” to replace “close.”
Your job is to inspire people to take action whenever you make your offers on stage. Master the “inspire” and get somebody to take action. It’s the key to become a six-figure salary speaker. Being great at making offers from the stage is crucial. If you need more inspiration, you can also read my 7 Effective Call to Action Examples for Speakers.
When you inspire someone to take action on your offer, you fulfill two things. First, you help the person realize and achieve their dreams. Second, you make revenue and earn your desired six-figure live event income.
To inspire you further, I want to share with you the system I created to enroll high-paying clients. Watch this video from my Ted McGrath YouTube channel to learn more:
If you ever wondered how to make six figures at a live event, you now know the answers. The next time you have a live event, apply my three tips. Armed with this knowledge, you can go to your next live event with the confidence you need to succeed.
Do you have questions about how to make six figures through speaking? Which of my tips seem the most difficult to apply? Share your thoughts with me in the comments section below.
Up Next: How To Run Your First Live Event and Make It Profitable
Editor’s Note: This post was originally published in September 2017 and has been updated for quality and relevancy.