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11 Advanced Closing Techniques


Hey, it’s Ted McGrath with Superstar Speaker Training. Every month I release two high impact, deep dive training videos on how to speak from the stage.

In today’s video, I’m talking about closing techniques from the stage.

When I use the word close, I actually mean to inspire people to take action, because closing is inspiring your customers to take action for their vision and for their dreams. It’s also standing for the transformation of your clients, when they’re not ready to stand for themselves yet.

My goal today is to teach you these different advanced closing techniques and for you to think about it from the perspective of inspiring a customer to take action.

I really don’t believe in “closing”, because if you’re “closing”, you’re just closing on a program, but if you’re inspiring to take action on vision and dreams, you realize it’s your responsibility to actually inspire a customer to take action on their vision and dreams when they have fear or when they lack confidence.

#1: Never Back Down

I make offers from the stage for $100,000 or $200,000 for my highest end offers.

What happens at that critical moment when I make the first call to action is I always think in my mind: Never Back Down.

I’ve got to have the courage within myself and the strength to be able to stand in my power. If I back down from my power, my clients don’t get the transformation.

#2: Stand In Silence

When I stand for that offer, number one, I never back down and number two, I stand in silence.

That moment when you say the price of your program, that’s the moment when you never back down and you stand in the silence.

You let the clients feel it. You let the audience feel the offer. You let them stand in the tension of the money, of the offer. Stand in that silence and you let it soak in and you give them the opportunity to say yes.

You give them the space to say yes.

#3: Make Multiple Calls To Action

One call to action is not enough. Any great offer always has a minimum of three calls to action.

Sometimes people don’t even make any call to action. Here’s an example: saying the price is one thing, but saying: “Stand up if you’d like to have a conversation with me,” is another thing, or saying “Go to the back of the room”, or “Take out your credit card and fill out the form”.
That’s a call to action. Just because you tell somebody the price doesn’t mean they know what to do. You need to tell them what action to take. That’s Call To Action #1.

#4: Call To Action 2: Acknowledge the Voice in their Head

The second call to action might be talking to the voice in their head.

For example: “I just made this offer, and for some reason, some of you didn’t go to the back of the room to sign up. Right now there might be a conversation going on in your head. You might be thinking should I do this, should I not do this, will this work out, will it not work out? I’ve tried things before and it hasn’t worked. Is this another one of the programs that won’t work out? You’ll never know until you stand up and take action and it’s not that the system doesn’t work. If you work the system, the system works.

“The question is, will you stand for your decision right now? Will you get involved in the system? Will you work it? Will you take the actions necessary and will you go get the results? If you’re ready to take the action, if you’re ready to go get the results and you need the training, and you need to learn from me to actually make this a success, then you need to get up right now, go to the back of the room and sign up for the program.”

#5: Call To Action 3: Tell An Emotional Story

In this final Call To Action, you need to get into the emotional state of being of your audience, and use story to connect with them on a deeper level.

On my third call to action, especially on my high end offers, I have a regret story that I tell about my grandparents who died at 92 years old. I talk about looking back at the end of their life on whether they had regrets or not.

After I tell this 10 minute story, I say: “If you’re going in the direction right now where you’re looking 30 years into the future and you’re sitting on the porch and you’re looking back over your life, will you look back over your life and think, ‘I made the right decision, I went for my dreams.’ If you’re not on that trajectory or that path, you need to get up right now and make the decision.”

The emotional impact of the story gets people to take action.

#6: Offer an “Includer” Bonus

I like to offer four bonuses, and bonus one two is the includer. I make the includer for about 20% of the people in the room.

Say I have 100 people in the room, I limit bonus number one to the first 18 or 19 people. That’s one of the secrets to create a table rush, because a table rush creates social proof which is a hugely important part of succeeding with selling from the stage.

#7: Multiple Bonuses

It’s an important strategy to have four bonuses in your offer. You can choose what they are, but make sure you tell the audience the value of your bonuses.

#8: Offer a free strategy session as a bonus

Sometimes a bonus could be a free strategy session that they get with you.

Let’s say you’re selling a live event. They sign up for your live event and then 10 of them are going to get on a strategy session with you and then you can up-sell them in to higher end coaching programs.

The strategy session adds value to them, but also allows you to pick the right people who you want to be your success stories and sell them into your higher programs before the event even starts.

#9: Create multiple stories to use in your presentation

If you don’t have good stories, you’re not going to win.

I recommend you create a time story, a money story and a story about when you didn’t think you had enough time to do something.

If you have a time story, a money story, a regret story and you have stories that you tell great stories that address these objections (because your audience is wondering if they have the time, if they have the money, if they will regret it), that objection is diffused before the offer ever comes.

#10: Price Contrast & Price Drop

A lot of times people will go into their offer and they’ll say the investment for the program today is $2,000, and they don’t do a price contrast.

Sometimes we make the mistake with our program of not looking at what the real value to a client is.

I could tell a story about my client Brandon Hawk, who invested $100,000 to work with me for the year and made over a million dollars in 18 months.

I coached Brandon one on one, but you’re getting the same information in a virtual training format. That same information that he invested $100,000 for, the value for any beginner is at least $5,000.

See how I contrasted the price from $100,000 to $5,000 to $2,000?

#11: Talk about the Cost of Inaction

I don’t offer guarantees for my high tier coaching programs.

What I do guarantee is the cost of inaction, and I tell people that.

“I can’t guarantee ROI, the ROI is up to you. I know what the ROI was for my clients who’ve done the work and got results. I don’t know what it is for you, but I know there’s a COI, a cost of inaction and the cost of inaction could be your health, of not living your passion. The cost of inaction could be lack of fulfillment. The cost of inaction could be deep down inside you know you’re not showing up fully in your life and it’s showing up in your relationships and there’s tension there. The cost of inaction is you’re making $50,000 a year and you want to make $200,000 a year. It’s costing you $150,000 a year not to take action. There’s a cost of inaction for you not to take action today.”

I hope this served you.

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